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General Orders and Standard Operating Procedures

The University of Houston Downtown Police Department General Orders and Standard Operating Procedures are a collection of written directives. These directives are established by the Assistant Vice Chancellor of Police Operations and Executive Director of Public Safety / Chief of Police and include the Police Policy Review Group of the University of Houston Systems, as authorized by State laws, legislation, and the Texas Education Code. Changes and exceptions to the General Orders and Standard Operating Procedures may be made or approved only by the University of Houston Systems Police Operations Police Policy Review Group.

While most policies are posted in their entirety, some policies have been redacted. Sensitive material that could jeopardize the safety of the public, crime victims, members of the university, or impede the officer’s ability to respond to critical incidents has been obscured for security purposes in line with rulings of the Office of the Attorney General. The department continually reviews and updates directives; therefore, there may be a delay in posting revised or new policies and procedures. 


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