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Staff Ombuds

The Staff Ombuds is a staff member who acts as a neutral agent on behalf of other staff members who have questions about assigned duties, responsibilities, and the working environment. This service is offered by UHD to support staff members in their professional lives. Staff members may consult the Staff Ombuds concerning interpretations and applications of university policy, as well as matters of interpersonal conflict with administrative personnel, colleagues, or other members of the university community. To ensure the highest quality and most effective services, the Staff Ombudsman is independent, neutral, and maintains confidentiality. The only exception to this privilege of confidentiality is where there appears to be imminent risk of serious harm.

The Staff Ombuds is selected by the Staff Council Executive Board in consultation with the HR advisor and appointed by the President. The full details of the charge of the Staff Ombuds and the university procedures for the staff member holding that office can be found in PS 02.B.18.


A major reason for the creation of this office is to offer avenues for some issues to be clarified or settled before they grow into a formal grievance. This provides an informal mechanism for resolving workplace conflicts and addressing questions and concerns related to their employment within the University. However, the Staff Ombuds, though not participating in the formal grievance process, can also act as resource for staff members involved in a grievance.

Staff should consult the Campus Relations Officer, not the Staff Ombuds, regarding issues of sexual harassment or discrimination.

Staff Ombuds' Service

Amanda Clay is the current UHD Staff Ombuds. Staff can email the Ombuds' Office at

The Code of Ethics for the IOA states that someone in an ombuds role should offer visitors to the office assurance that they will be listened to confidentially and dealt with impartially. The Staff Ombuds will work to offer alternatives to a staff member who is uncertain how to proceed when confronted with a difficult professional situation. It is also part of the Ombuds’ duty to report to the Staff Council Executive Board and the Office of HR with matters of general concern or trends that threaten UHD as a supportive, professional workplace. All such reports keep sources confidential to the extent permitted by law.

Contact the Staff Ombuds Office

Staff members may consult the Staff Ombuds by emailing Also, the acting Staff Ombuds is available to speak with departments, committees, or other staff groups on matters of UHD policy and the service of the Staff Ombuds.