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Pregnancy Accommodations

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Pregnancy and Parenting Accomodations Information and Check List

Do I Qualify for Pregnancy or Parenting Accommodations?

Recovery time

Student Responsibilities

If answer is yes to one of the above submit the following to

Medical proof of pregnancy or parenting needs dated within current semester
Current class schedule
Professors email addresses if available
Special accommodations needed
All additional supporting documentation

Title IX Office

Draft student accommodation letter
Provides notice of accommodations to professors and other parties as requested
Mediate issues that may arise between student and faculty

Student responsibilities after letter issued

Inform professors of specific needs ex: I need to make up the final exam.
Report back to the TItle IX Office if an issue arises
Renew letters each semester with documents dated for the current semester

Questions or Concerns?

Please reach out to the Office of Title IX / Equal Opportunity Services