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The Mission of the LEGACI Student Success Program is to increase the retention and graduation rates of every student enrolled at the University of Houston Downtown through strategic interventions, wrap-around student services, and a nurturing educational environment.



The Vision of the LEGACI Student Success Program is an innovative and student-centered community of educators that transforms higher education in order to educate and graduate UHD students who achieve their greatest aspirations academically, professionally, and personally.


The purpose of the LEGACI Student Success Program is to expose students to a variety of opportunities and resources that promote academic success, leadership skills, and career development.


The Pillars of the LEGACI Student Success Programs are:

Leadership: Leading in school, in our families, communities, and professions
Excellence: Striving to give our best effort in all areas of our lives
Grades: Achieving our best in academics and educational development
Access: Utilizing campus and support resources
Collaboration: Community and campus support, Staying involved to give back
Identity: Becoming more self and culturally aware as an inidivdual.


The LEGACI Student Success Program values coincide with the Pillars, which are Degree Completion, World Impact, Community Building, Transformative Leadership