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Quiz Options

quiz IconQuiz Options 

Learning Continuity Alignment:

LC IconLC3: Emphasize Learning Outcomes 

Communicate how learning outcomes align with course activities, assignments, and assessments.

LC IconQM3.2 

The course grading policy is stated clearly at the beginning of the course. 


Utilizing Canvas quizzes at UHD facilitates the alignment of course learning outcomes with assessments (LC3) and enables the clear communication of the course grading policy (QM3.2). Instructors can strategically map quiz questions to specific learning objectives, employ diverse question types, employ rubrics that explicitly link outcomes, and utilize question banks for assessment diversification. Meanwhile, Canvas provides a platform for transparently communicating the grading policy by integrating the syllabus, reinforcing it through announcements and modules, emphasizing it in assignment descriptions, employing communication tools for clarifications, and demonstrating real-time gradebook transparency. This comprehensive approach in Canvas ensures a structured and coherent educational environment that enhances the understanding of how assessments correspond to course objectives and grading policies. 


Rahul Verma, Ph.D. | Professor, Finance
Faculty Demonstration

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