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2021 Teaching & Learning Symposium

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UHD Teaching & Learning Symposium Fall 2021 | Post-Pandemic & Inclusive Pedagogy


Format: Virtual

Plan to join us for the Fall 2021 symposium as we feature two keynote speakers and a series of UHD faculty presentations focused on the themes listed below. These virtual interactive sessions will be on Fridays in October and November. A call for proposals will be sent out soon.

This Year’s Theme: 

Post-Pandemic Pedagogy
What innovations or adjustments to your teaching have you had to make over the course of the pandemic? Post-pandemic pedagogy covers the switch from face-to-face instruction to emergency remote instruction to the design and facilitation of courses more in line with best practices in technology-enhanced teaching (blended learning, flipped learning, HyFlex teaching, etc). What creative solutions are you more adept at now than you were prior to the pandemic? We are particularly interested in engagement and interaction strategies and how you have converted your courses into ones that allow your learners to tackle your objectives and content in more flexible ways. For those of you who have incorporated face-to-face instruction (or even synchronous online instruction) in your courses, what new solutions have you found to still facilitate learning environments that are safe, engaging, and effective?

Inclusive Pedagogy
Inclusive pedagogy challenges us to create learning spaces for all students. We may be asked to re-evaluate our teaching and move away from doing so in the ways we were taught, this, because we are tasked with engaging all students. Considering issues of diversity enables us to create courses that are more meaningful, more relevant, and more accessible. Here, we are called upon to identify potential roadblocks in our courses and transform them into on-ramps to learning for all, not in spite of our individual differences, but in honor of them.

Earn Micro-Credentials

Attend and submit a reflection on the keynote workshop and at least two faculty sessions in a given track to earn a micro-credential in that topic area. Both micro-credentials can be applied toward completion of the UHD Certificate in Evidence Based Instruction and Course Design, which comes with a $500 stipend.

2021 POST-PANDEMIC PEDAGOGY  Micro-Credential shield 2021 INCLUSIVE TEACHING  Micro-Credential shield


Important Dates:


Post-Pandemic Pedagogy                          

Friday Oct. 1 | 2:30 - 4:00 PM

KEYNOTE #1: Dr. Josh Eyler

The Science of Learning and Why It Matters for
Post-Pandemic Teaching

Friday Oct. 8 and 15
Interactive Presentations & RoundTable QuickTalks

Inclusive Pedagogy                                    

Friday Oct. 22  | 2:30 - 4:00 PM

KEYNOTE #2: Dr. Kelly Hogan and Dr. Viji Sathy

Inclusive Teaching through Active Learning

Friday Nov. 5
Interactive Presentations & RoundTable QuickTalks

* Sponsored in part by Howard Hughes Medical Institute

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