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Create a Welcome Video

OER IconCreate a Welcome Video

Learning Continuity Alignment:

LC IconLC2 - Normalize Digital Learning

Introduce and normalize use of the LMS and key digital learning tools.

LC IconQM1.8:

The self-introduction by the instructor is professional and is available online  


Connecting with students early and establishing presence in your course is an important step in creating a sense of belonging and care. The “Welcome Video” approach can be used across modalities to provide students with a common experience of the instructor’s professionalism, approachability, teaching philosophy, and even passion for the subject matter. Regarding learning continuity, it also introduces the students to digital learning platforms like Canvas, our new LMS. This is particularly important for a face-to-face course, which would need to shift to digital learning tools in the event of a disruption during the semester. 


Ayden Adler, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor of Arts Administration
Course Element Example

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