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PS-10.A.24 - University Faculty Development Award Program

PDF version

Effective Date: 6/28/2024

Issue #: 2

President: Dr. Loren J. Blanchard

1. Purpose

1.1 This PS provides guidelines for the administration of the University Faculty Development Award (FDA) program at the University of Houston–Downtown. The FDA program provides small project awards to support and enhance the University's educational mission and enrich its faculty. Awards are competitive and will be designated to projects that support faculty development and agency. The funding and assurance of institutional compliance for this program will be managed by the Associate Vice President for Faculty Affairs and Faculty Development (AVP-FAFD).

2. Definitions

2.1 Educational Mission: Refers to the mission statement of the university, college, department, or specific program that is in effect and applicable at the time at the time when the call for proposals is announced.

2.2 Faculty Development: Activities and programming that develops faculty knowledge, skills, and agency in the areas of teaching, service, scholarship, leadership, and other areas that intersect with the professoriate. Faculty Development does not include the execution of a particular research, scholarly, or creative project; funding for the research/scholarly/creative enterprise is provided by the Organized Research and Creative Activities (ORCA) Program (PS 06.A.08).

2.3 Project Award: The amount of funding allocated to support the project. While the maximum award amount may vary between award cycles, it cannot exceed 10% of the total funds available in that award cycle. The exact maximum will be specified in the Award Announcement for each funding cycle.

2.4 Project Proposal (or Proposal): A formal request for funding submitted through the designated online application system, outlining the specific Faculty Development activities and programming which the applicant is seeking funding for.

3. Policy

3.1 Proposal Requirement

3.1.1. To qualify for internal funding through the FDA Program, a faculty member must submit a completed Faculty Development Award Proposal Application through the designated online application system. The link to the online application system will be shared with faculty every September when the official call for proposals is sent out.

3.2 Proposal Eligibility and Criteria for Proposal Evaluation

3.2.1. Eligible proposals for the FDA Program must fall within the definition presented in section 2.1. Faculty Development does not include the execution of a research, scholarly, or creative project.

3.2.2. To qualify for internal funding through the FDA Program, each proposal will be evaluated using criteria listed on the Exhibit A: Faculty Development Committee Criteria for Evaluating Proposals. The criteria may be modified at the judgment and discretion of the University FDA Committee. The criteria that will be used to score proposals in a given funding cycle will be made available to faculty at the time the Request for Proposals and link to the online FDA Request Form documents are sent to faculty and staff who are eligible for the award.

3.2.3. The University FDA Committee that evaluates and scores submitted proposals will consider only proposals that clearly meet the definition in Section 2.1. It is the responsibility of the applicant to demonstrate that the proposed activities meet this definition.

3.3 Limitations and Unallowable Expenses.

3.3.1. Expenses connected with student support, faculty compensation, and faculty release time are not supported by Faculty Development Awards.

3.3.2. For proposals that request funds for domestic conference travel, awards may only be granted where the applicant is unable to obtain full funding from other sources (including department travel budgets). The applicant should note in the submitted documentation that the funds requested from FDA for domestic conference travel are not available from the applicant’s department. This restriction is not applicable to FDA requests for international conference travel funds.

3.3.3. Funding requests to advance and improve curriculum through the purchase of equipment or supplies, guest speakers, and software should be made only when funds are unavailable from other sources (including department budgets).

3.3.4. Proposals which request the direct support of research, scholarly, or creative activities should be submitted to the Organized Research and Creative Activities (ORCA) program. This restriction is not applicable to FDA request for professional development to enhance knowledge, skills, and agency to develop and eventually execute a research, scholarship, or creative agenda.

3.4 Eligibility of Faculty and Staff.

3.4.1. To be eligible for FDA funding, the applicant must be a full–time faculty member or a professional librarian at the time the proposal is submitted and the activities of the proposal will be implemented.

3.4.2. FDA funds are discontinued with the termination of the awardee’s employment at the University.

3.4.3. Current members of the University FDA Committee are not eligible to apply for funding through the FDA program.

3.4.4. Applicants must be in good standing with the university at the time of funding.

3.5 Proposal Review

3.5.1. Department FDA Committees: Each academic department from which an FDA proposal originates must assemble a Department FDA Committee. The committee is appointed by the department chair. The committee to the extent possible should represent a range of disciplines from which proposals may be submitted. The purpose of the Department FDA Committee is to: a) engage in a review of proposals to ensure there is connection between each proposal’s activity and the stated objectives of the FDA program; and b) to offer feedback in time for resubmission to the department committee prior to submission to the University FDA Committee. The Department FDA committee makes a recommendation on a proposal (via the online application system) but does not serve to render a decision of whether or not an application moves forward for review by the University FDA Committee. Recommendations and any comments made as part of the recommendation will be shared with the University FDA committee.

3.5.2. The Department Chair and Dean: The Department Chair and Dean make a recommendation on a proposal (via the online application system) but do not render a decision of whether or not an application moves forward for review by the University FDA Committee.

3.5.2.A Recommendations and any comments made as part of the recommendation will be shared with the University FDA committee.

3.5.3. University FDA Committee: The University FDA Committee consists of two tenured or tenure-track faculty representatives from each college, up to one lecturer from each of the four colleges, and one eligible staff member from the University library. Lecturers may choose whether to accept an invitation to serve on the University FDA Committee with consideration of the terms of their appointment. Committee members will be appointed by the college deans in consultation with department chairs. Members of the University FDA Committee will serve two–year staggered terms. The AVP–FAFD will convene the committee, provide instructions and an overview of pertinent operating parameters, provide administrative support, and oversee the election of a committee chair. Review by the University FDA Committee will be based on the criteria set forth in Exhibit A: Faculty Development Committee Criteria for Evaluation Proposals.

3.6 Grants and Expenditures of FDA Funds

3.6.1. The University FDA Committee may suggest that an FDA recipient be granted an amount greater or less than the original amount requested by the applicant. There are no limits on suggesting a lower award than originally proposed.

3.6.2. Use of FDA funds must comply with all regulations of the University of Houston System, UHD, the state, and the federal government.

3.6.3. Proposed activities requiring city, state, or federal permits must provide copies of the required permits to the AVP-FAFD before funds will be allocated.

3.6.4. No single award may be greater than 10% of the FDA funds available in that year.

3.6.5. Funds awarded for designated uses (for example, the purchase of software) may not be re–budgeted into another category unless approved in advance by the AVP-FAFD.

3.6.6. All expenditures from faculty FDA accounts must be approved by the faculty member, department business administrator, and the college business administrator.

3.6.7. All FDA funds awarded to a faculty member must be expended within three long semesters from the date of notification of the award. Unexpended funds at the end of this period will be returned to the University. Requests for no-cost-extensions to FDA awards should be directed to the AVP-FAFD.

3.6.8. If the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost determines any modifications to the recommendations need to be made, they will consult the University FDA Committee.

4. Procedures

4.1 For proposal submission and review process and timeline see the “Procedures and Timeline” table. If any due date falls on a holiday, the due date is moved to the next work day.

4.2 Procedures and timeline table:

By the first Monday in May

Each academic department will have formed their Department FDA Committee and will have elected and announced the committee chair.. The College Dean will appoint two faculty members from the each college to the University FDA Committee and send their names to the AVP-FAFD and the Senior VPAA/Provost.

By the second Monday in September

The AVP-FDFA will distribute a call for FDA proposal submission with reference to the proposal guidelines. The call for proposals will also contain the deadline for proposal submission and a link to the online system.

By the first Monday in October

Applicant submits proposal to the Department FDA Committee.

By the second Monday in October

Department FDA Committee provides written feedback to the applicant.

By the third Monday in October

The applicant submits the final proposal via the online application system.

By the following Thursday

The Department FDA Committee makes a recommendation and has the option of providing comments. The committee chair records it in the online system. The proposal is forwarded to the AVP-FAFD

By the first Monday in November

The AVP-FAFD ensures that the proposed project meets regulatory requirements for funding given in section 3.5.

If so, AVP-FAFD approves the proposal to move forward in the online application system. If the proposal is found to not comply with the guidelines, the proposal does not move forward in the process, but the applicant may be asked to change the proposal and resubmit it to the online application system.

By the second Monday in November

The Department Chair makes a recommendation with supporting comments on the proposal in the application system and forwards the proposal on to the dean. Note – the proposal moves forward regardless of the chair’s recommendation. .

By the third Monday in November:

The Dean makes a recommendation with supporting comments on the proposal in the application system and forwards the proposal on to the AVP-FAFD. Note – the proposal moves forward regardless of the dean’s recommendation.

By the following Thursday

The AVP-FAFD forwards applications with comments from the Department FDA Committee, the Department Chair and the Dean to the University FDA Committee.

By the second Monday in December

The University FDA Committee will submit a list of the proposals in rank order from highest priority for funding (top) to lowest priority of funding with comments to the AVP-FAFD

By the third Monday in December:

The Provost will notify each applicant (if funded they will copy the Department Chair, the University FDA Committee Chair, the Dean, and business administrators with information about their proposal) and announce the names and project titles of all FDA recipients to the UHD community.

5. Review Process

Responsible Party (Reviewer): Associate Vice President for Faculty Affairs and Faculty Development.

Review Period: Every five years on or before May 1, and as necessary.

Signed original on file.

6. Policy History

Issue #1: 06/14/2021

Issue #2: 06/28/2024 (this issue)

7. References

PS 06.A.08 Organized Research and Creative Activities (ORCA) Program

8. Exhibits

Exhibit A: Faculty Development Committee Criteria for Evaluating Proposals