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PS-10.A.22 - Adjunct Policy

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Effective Date: 6/28/2024

Issue #: 3

President: Loren J. Blanchard,

1. Purpose

1.1 This PS establishes university policies governing the hiring, support, supervision, evaluation, and termination of Adjunct Faculty who constitute a significant component of the university's teaching work force and have a critical role to play in carrying out the University's mission.

2. Definitions

2.1 Adjunct Faculty are defined in PS 10.A.20 Non-Tenure Track Academic Appointments.

2.2 Continuing Adjunct Faculty: For the purposes of this document only, “Continuing Adjunct Faculty” are defined as those current Adjunct Faculty members eligible for rehire.

2.3 Periodic Evaluation: The assessment of Adjunct Faculty Member’s performance conducted on a schedule developed by the Department or Program they teach for.

3. Policy

3.1 Professional Responsibilities.

3.1.1. The University employs Adjunct Faculty to teach a course for a department or a program which cannot be covered by the full-time faculty.

3.2 Duration and Nature of the Appointment.

3.2.1. An Adjunct Faculty member is hired under a fixed term employment agreement not to exceed one academic term. This agreement is mutually renewable at the end of each term and is conditional. Specifically, the department's offer to teach a particular course may be withdrawn if the course is canceled due to insufficient enrollment or if the course is reassigned to a full-time faculty member.

3.3 Compensation of Adjunct Faculty.

3.3.1. The Provost’s Office is responsible for establishing the minimum compensation for adjuncts per undergraduate credit hour, setting distinct rates for adjuncts with and without a terminal degree. These rates shall be aligned with those at peer four-year universities within similar markets, as well as institutions that are in competition with UHD for the same adjunct faculty members. Compensation for teaching graduate credit hours will be set at 1.5 times the rate of undergraduate credit hours.

3.3.2. Compensation exceeding the established minimum can be negotiated or offered by the college’s Dean, in consultation with Department Chair(s) and/or hiring manager(s), subject to approval by the Provost’s Office, thus allowing for flexibility and recognition of exceptional qualifications or contributions.

3.3.3. The minimum adjunct compensation rate shall be reassessed every five years to ensure ongoing competitiveness, fairness, and financial viability.

3.4 Qualification, Hiring, and Support.

3.4.1. Qualification: Adjunct Faculty must meet the requirements for hire set forth in PS 10.A.20 Non-Tenure Track Academic Appointments.

3.4.2. Disclosure of Multiple Employment within UH System: At the time of hire, Adjunct Faculty shall notify the chair of the hiring department in writing about courses they are teaching or intend to teach outside of the hiring department but within the UH System.

3.4.3. Hiring procedure:

3.4.3.A Departments shall be responsible for advertising for Adjunct Faculty positions.

3.4.3.B The department chair or their designee reviews, at the minimum, the candidates' CV, cover letter, and transcripts. Additional application materials may be requested and reviewed based on disciplinary, departmental, and/or accreditation needs. Top candidates are then interviewed.

3.4.3.C The department chair or their designee makes an offer to the Adjunct Faculty candidate and initiates the hiring process established by Human Resources and Academic Affairs.

3.4.4. Support: Each department shall establish written policies and procedures regarding the support of its Adjunct Faculty. These policies and procedures shall include the following provisions:

3.4.4.A The University and/or department shall supply Adjunct Faculty with orientation and department handbooks with information on departmental procedures and other needed University information.

3.4.4.B Adjunct Faculty shall be provided with shared or individual office space sufficient to conduct course business.

3.5 Periodic Evaluation, Supervision, and Dismissal.

3.5.1. Periodic Evaluation: Each department shall establish written policies and procedures regarding the Periodic Evaluation of its Adjunct Faculty. These policies and procedures shall include the following provisions.

3.5.1.A Development and Review of Departmental or Program Evaluation Rubrics: The department chair, or program director, or their designee shall perform Periodic Evaluations of Continuing Adjunct Faculty guided by criteria rubric designed by the Department/Program and based on consideration factors listed in section 3.5.1.B. These assessments will result in written evaluations that clearly articulate the faculty member's positive contributions, identify possible improvements needed, and score performance as either “meets expectations” or “does not meet expectations.”

3.5.1.B Consideration Factors: Evaluation of Adjunct Faculty will take into account information from various sources, which may include course structure and content in Learning Management System (LMS), a teaching demonstration or classroom visit, syllabi, student evaluations and other sources.

3.5.1.C LMS Course Shell Availability for the purpose of Periodic Evaluation: The content of LMS course shell for any course taught by an Adjunct Faculty member shall be available to the department chair or program director or their designee(s) upon request. The department chair or program director shall contact the University unit designated to grant access to online course shells and provide the name(s) of the designated reviewers to be granted access for the purposes of Periodic Evaluation. Once the evaluation is completed, the department chair or program director shall contact the relevant unit to have reviewer access to the course shell removed.

3.5.1.D Evaluation Meetings: Upon completion of Periodic Evaluation, the department chair or program director or their designee, at the request of the evaluated Adjunct Faculty member, may schedule an in-person or virtual meeting to discuss the Adjunct Faculty member’s Periodic Evaluation.

3.5.1.E Appeals: The Adjunct Faculty member who disagrees with their evaluation may appeal it to the dean.

3.5.1.F Evaluation Management: Completed evaluations of Adjunct Faculty member shall be kept on file with the department until at least the end of one academic year following the member’s last Periodic Evaluation. Each department shall, in its policies and procedures concerning adjunct evaluation, establish a process for storing these evaluations.

3.5.2. Supervision: Responsibility for supervising Adjunct Faculty shall be clearly assigned to the Department Chair (or Program Director) or their designee. Supervision should ensure that Adjunct Faculty adheres to duties agreed to on their offer letter.

3.5.3. Dismissal: Adjunct Faculty are subject to "dismissal" as defined in UH SAM 06.A.09. Dismissal decisions for adjuncts are not subject to the university grievance process.

4. Procedures

4.1 There are no procedures associated with this PS.

5. Review Process

Responsible Party (Reviewer): Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost

Review Period: Every 5 years on or before, and as necessary

Signed original on file.

6. Policy History

Issue #1: 4/11/17

Issue #2: 9/1/2022

Issue #3: 6/28/2024 (this issue)

7. References

PS 10.A.20 Non-Tenure Track Academic Appointments

8. Exhibits

There are no exhibits associated with this PS.