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PS-03.A.07 - Undergraduate Academic Probation & Suspension

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Effective Date: 6/28/2024

Issue #: 13

President: Dr. Loren J. Blanchard

1. Purpose

1.1 This Policy Statement (PS) establishes the University of Houston-Downtown's (UHD) undergraduate academic warning, probation, and suspension policy.

2. Definitions

2.1 Academic Dismissal: Occurs after consecutive terms of suspension and results in a student being prohibited from returning to UHD.

2.2 Academic Probation: Occurs when a student receives notice that their UHD cumulative GPA is unsatisfactory. A student is not making satisfactory progress towards meeting graduation requirements and may be placed on academic suspension if their academic record does not improve.

2.3 Academic Suspension: Occurs after consecutive terms of unsatisfactory academic performance and prevents a student from reenrolling until a successful appeal for readmission.

2.4 Academic Warning: Available for the First Time In College (FTIC) students who earn less than a 2.00 grade point average in the first long term (i.e., Fall or Spring) of enrollment at UHD. A student can only be on academic warning for one semester during their undergraduate degree.

2.5 Consecutive Term: Any term of enrollment after a student has been placed on academic probation or suspension.

2.6 Continued Probation: Occurs after unsatisfactory academic performance while on academic probation.

2.7 Extended Probation: The probationary status given to a student who receives an approved decision of a suspension appeal.

2.8 Readmit Probation: The probationary status given to a student who sits out the minimum of one semester after being placed on suspension

2.9 Term: For purposes of this policy, “term” will reference the academic coursework taken during fall, spring, or combined summer terms. This excludes winter and May sessions.

2.10 UHD Undergraduate Cumulative GPA: The GPA calculated for all UHD coursework as defined in PS 03.A.04 Grading System for Undergraduate Students.

3. Policy

3.1 Academic Warning of an Undergraduate student Enrolled in College Credit-Bearing Courses

3.1.1. FTIC students who earn less than a 2.00 grade point average in the first long term of enrollment

3.1.2. Second term FTIC students who have completed their first long term and all other students whose cumulative grade point average falls below 2.00 shall be placed on Academic Probation.

3.1.3. Students cannot be dismissed from Academic Warning.

3.1.4. Students can only be on Academic Warning once.

3.2 Academic Probation of an Undergraduate Student Enrolled in College Credit-Bearing Courses

3.2.1. A student will be placed on Academic Probation at the end of any term in which their cumulative UHD GPA falls below 2.0. However, FTIC in first semester are placed on Academic Warning.

3.2.2. A student on Academic Probation must consult with an Academic Advisor before term registration to discuss plans, academic progress and GPA repair, and available academic support. Probationary students are required to agree to a contract of actions likely to result in improved academic performance.

3.2.3. To maintain academic standing, a student on Academic Probation must maintain a UHD term GPA of 2.0 or above in each term in which enrolled until the cumulative UHD GPA reaches 2.0 or above. A student returns to good academic standing after the cumulative UHD GPA reaches 2.0 or higher.

3.2.4. A student on Academic Probation will be placed on Continued Probation at the end of any term in which the student achieves a minimum term GPA of 2.0 but cumulative GPA remains below a 2.0. Failure to earn a term GPA of 2.0 or above while on Continued Probation status will result in Academic Suspension.

3.2.5. Academic Warning, Probation, and Suspension will be noted on the student’s official undergraduate transcript.

3.3 Suspension and Dismissal of An Undergraduate Student

3.3.1. A student on Continued Probation will be suspended at the end of any term in which they fail to earn a minimum UHD term GPA of 2.0. Any registered coursework for the next term will be administratively dropped by the Registrar’s Office. A student’s suspension is in effect for that term, pending readmission. The student may appeal the suspension to the director of academic advising overseeing their major. If the appeal is approved, the student will be placed on Extended Probation for the next term.

3.3.2. Any suspended student returning after sitting out for a minimum of a semester will be placed on Readmit Probation and must meet with a Dean’s representative or designated advisor to discuss how to improve their academic performance and make satisfactory academic progress. A student of any probationary status may be required to agree to a contract of actions likely to result in improved academic performance.

3.3.3. A student placed on any Extended or Readmit Probation must maintain a UHD term GPA of 2.0 or above in each term in which they register until a cumulative UHD GPA of 2.0 is achieved. Failure to maintain a term GPA of 2.0 will result in Academic Dismissal from the university. This Academic Dismissal will be permanent unless a student appeals to the Academic Dismissal Committee for readmission or readmits under PS 03.A.08: Academic Amnesty. For an appeal, a student must provide clear and compelling evidence of potential academic success, for example, academic success at other institutions. The final decision for readmission rests with the Academic Dismissal Committee. The constitution of the Academic Dismissal Committee includes representation from each academic dean or dean’s designated representative and the dean of students’ office. Ex-officio members of the committee will be assigned based upon appropriate needs. A student who is readmitted to the University by the Academic Dismissal Committee will return without a declared major. The decision of the Academic Dismissal Committee is final.

4. Procedures

4.1 Procedures are embedded within the policy section.

5. Review Process

Responsible Party (Reviewer): Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost

Review Period: Every five years on or before June 1 and as necessary

Signed original on file.

6. Policy History

Issue #1: 06/04/82

Issue #2: 05/10/84

Issue #3: 04/12/86

Issue #4: 05/29/87

Issue #5: 11/15/93

Issue #6: 03/15/97

Issue #7: 04/11/00

Issue #8: 02/27/15

Issue #9: 06/22/16

Issue #10: 12/17/15

Issue #11: 06/08/16

Issue #12: 06/28/24 (this issue)

7. References

PS 03.A.04 Grading System for Undergraduate Students

PS 03.A.08 Academic Amnesty

PS 03.A.28 Satisfactory Progress for Students Enrolled in Developmental Courses

8. Exhibits

There are no exhibits associated with this PS.