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PS-03.A.04 - Grading System for Undergraduate Students

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Effective Date: 6/28/2024

Issue #: 11

President: Dr. Loren J. Blanchard

1. Purpose

1.1 This Policy Statement (PS) describes the grading system used at the University of Houston-Downtown in the undergraduate programs. The end-of-course grades are intended to convey the level of achievement of each student in the class. These grades are used by students, faculty, University administrators, and prospective employers to make a multitude of different decisions. The policies and procedures described in this policy are designed to assure consistency in the assignment of grades at UHD.

2. Definitions

2.1 Attempt: The post-census date period in which a student pursues credit in a particular course at UHD.

2.2 Census Date: The Official Day of Record is the day that UHD must determine the enrollments that are reported to the Coordinating Board for state reimbursement. This is the last day a student may drop a course without a grade. The Official Day of Record is posted in the academic calendar.

2.3 Class Day: A day on which the University has one or more classes scheduled.

2.4 Dropped Course: A course in which an undergraduate student at an institution of higher education has enrolled for credit, but does not complete, while still staying enrolled in one or more courses for the semester or term. To drop a course, a student must notify the Office of the Registrar via MyUHD of the drop before one of the deadlines specified in sections 4.3 or 4.4 of this policy. It is advised that a student consult an academic advisor before dropping a course. For more information on dropping a course and course drop limits, please see PS 03.A.36 Course Drop Limit.

2.5 Enroll: For the purpose of this policy, registration in a course at the census date.

2.6 Grade: A score indicated by a letter grade that reflects the instructor's evaluation of a student's achievement in a specific course.

2.7 Grade Points: A course score value that is derived by multiplying the number of semester hours of academic credit for a course by a point value for each possible grade in the course. The grade point values are listed below.

Grade Definition Grade Points per Semester Credit Hour
A = Superior 4
B = Above Average 3
C = Average 2
D = Below Average 1
F = Failed 0
AUD = Audit ---
IP = In Progress ---
S = Satisfactory (Passed) ---
U = Unsatisfactory (Failed) ---
I = Incomplete ---
I/F = Incomplete/Failed ---
W = Drop ---
CA = Credit Awarded ---
WM = Withdrawn-Military ---

2.8 Grade Point Average (GPA): A measure of the overall level of a student’s academic achievement. (It is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points earned at UHD by the total number of semester hours at UHD). Whenever a course is repeated, only the highest grade from the attempts will be used for calculating the grade point average. The following formula represents the method of computing the GPA. GPA = total number of grade points earned ÷ total number of semester hours counted

2.9 Home Department: The program or department that offers the academic course.

2.10 Withdrawal: A student withdraws from the University by dropping all courses in which the student is enrolled for the semester or term.

3. Policy

3.1 Developmental Course Grades: An asterisk (*) next to a grade indicates that it was received for a developmental course (e.g. ENG 1300, RDG 1300, MATH 0300, MATH 1300). Grades for developmental courses are not included in the GPA calculation nor do developmental courses count toward graduation.

3.2 Repeated Courses: Undergraduate students may enroll in a course at UHD no more than three times. Students may appeal this restriction by petitioning the dean of the college in which the course is housed. When a course is repeated, only the highest grade earned at UHD will be used in computing the grade point average. If a course taken initially at UHD is repeated later at another institution for credit, only the UHD grade is included in the grade point average.

3.3 GPA at the time of graduation: UHD Grade Point Average (GPA) is used at the time of graduation and is used to certify the degree. When a course has been repeated, only the highest grade earned at UHD will be used in computing UHD grade point average. Unless a grade appeal has been found in the student’s favor as outlined in the grade appeal process (section 4.6 of this policy) the GPA certified at the time of graduation remains the official GPA for the certified degree and shall not be subject to change. A student’s eligibility for honors at the time of graduation shall not be adjusted. Grades for courses repeated after graduation and new courses completed after graduation, do not change the GPA certified at the time of graduation. A student’s overall GPA at UHD may be updated based on courses taken subsequent to the certification and award of the degree. Transfer grades are not included in the calculation of the UHD GPA.

3.4 Grade of I (Incomplete): A grade of I is given only when students have completed a significant portion of the course requirements and a documented emergency prevents the student from completing the remaining course requirements. Before an instructor can assign a grade of I, they must file with, and get approval by, the home department chair. This approval is documented by a form signed by both the instructor and the student that describes the necessary work that can be submitted before the deadlines described in sections 3.4.4, 3.4.5 or 3.4.6. If a student is unable to sign the form, the instructor must state on the form the reason for granting the I and the work necessary for the removal of the I.

3.4.1. If the incomplete grade was assigned during the Fall semester, the grade of I will be changed to the grade earned based on the assignments submitted before the end of the subsequent Spring term. It is the instructor’s responsibility to submit the grade change to the Office of the Registrar. If the instructor is unavailable, the home department is responsible for submitting the grade change to the Office of the Registrar. If no grade is submitted to the Office of the Registrar at the end of the subsequent Spring semester, the incomplete grade is automatically changed to an I/F.

3.4.2. If the incomplete grade was assigned during the Spring semester or a Summer term, the grade of I will be changed to the grade earned based on the assignments submitted before the end of the subsequent Fall term. It is the instructor’s responsibility to submit the grade change to the Office of the Registrar. If the instructor is unavailable, the home department is responsible for submitting the grade change to the Office of the Registrar. If no grade is submitted to the Office of the Registrar, the incomplete grade is automatically changed to an I/F.

3.4.3. If the incomplete grade was assigned during the part of a term or mini-term, the grade of I will be changed to the grade earned (I/F) based on the assignments submitted before the end of the subsequent long semester. It is the instructor’s responsibility to submit the grade change to the Office of the Registrar. If the instructor is unavailable, the home department is responsible for submitting the grade change to the Office of the Registrar. If no grade is submitted to the Office of the Registrar, the incomplete grade is automatically changed to an I/F.

3.4.4. Military Leave: Students who have received I grades because their enrollment has been interrupted by active military duty in the United States military must complete the missing work within one year from the conclusion of those duties. It is the responsibility of the student to provide official documentation of their required duties to the Office of Veterans Affairs and the Office of the Registrar. If the work is not completed within one year from the conclusion of those duties, the grade of I is changed to WM.

3.4.5. Title IX Leave: In compliance with Title IX, students with applicable leave designation may complete outstanding coursework within one long semester after the expiration of the leave. It is the responsibility of the student to provide a supporting medical statement to the Title IX coordinator and to the Office of the Registrar. If the student does not complete the outstanding coursework within one long semester after the expiration of the medical leave, the student’s grade will remain indefinitely I, unless the student decides to accept the grade earned in the class. If the student wished to accept the earned grade, they should request to do so, who will defer to the instructor of record as to the earned grade in the class.

3.4.6. A grade of I counts as an F in calculating the graduation GPA for purposes of determining eligibility for graduation.

3.5 Grade of IP (In Progress): A grade of IP may be assigned only in courses that have been officially approved for such designation. The grade of IP is used primarily in thesis and selected research courses in which a student is registered in order to use University resources. In calculating the GPA, a grade of IP receives no grade point value and it may remain on a student’s transcript in perpetuity. To receive grade credit for a course in which an IP was assigned a student must repeat the course and earn a passing grade (i.e., once an IP is given, the grade cannot be changed).

3.6 Grade of S/U (Satisfactory Pass/Unsatisfactory Fail): A grade of S/U may be assigned only in courses that have been officially approved for such designation. Credit received with a grade of S/U is not included in calculating the GPA.

3.7 Grade of AUD (Audit): In accordance with PS 03.A.03 – Auditing Courses, a grade of AUD may be assigned only in those courses officially approved for such designation. Grades of AUD are not included in calculating the GPA.

3.8 Grade of W (Drop): The grade of W is assigned when a student drops a course after the census date.

3.9 Grade of CA (Credit Awarded): A grade of CA will be assigned to non-course based credit subject to the 24-hour limit in PS 03.A.11 – Credit by Examination and Credit by Approved Equivalencies.

4. Procedures

4.1 The instructor for a course is responsible for assigning end-of-course grades to students based on the grade calculation as expressed in the syllabus.

4.2 The instructor for the course is solely responsible for ensuring that end-of-course grades are submitted to the Office of Registrar via electronic means by the deadline established for such submission.

4.3 Student Deadlines for Dropping from Courses: Students will not receive a grade for a course and the course will not appear on their transcript (academic history) if they notify the Office of the Registrar via MyUHD and officially drop a course before or on the census date (the official day of record), as defined by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating PS 03.A.04 Page 6 of 8 Board. The Office of the Registrar is responsible for publishing these dates before the start of any term on the University’s academic calendar.

4.4 Student Deadlines for Receiving a Grade of W: Students receive a grade of W for any course from which they drop via MyUHD after the dates specified in 4.3, but by the 60% completion point in the period of enrollment. The Office of the Registrar is responsible for publishing the deadline before the start of any term on the University’s academic calendar.

4.5 Retroactive Withdrawal: Grades of W are granted retroactively (i.e. after the published deadline) only under unusual and well documented circumstances. Students requesting a complete retroactive withdrawal (i.e., withdrawal from all course taken during a semester) must submit and appeal to the Office of the Registrar, which is responsible for archiving these documents; submitting the appeal documents to the academic dean in the college in which the student has declared a major; and carrying out the academic dean’s decision. The process is the same for students requesting a partial retroactive withdrawal (i.e., withdrawal from one or more but not all courses taken during a semester), except that the Office of the Registrar will submit partial retroactive withdrawal appeals to the academic dean in the college in which each course is taken. If the relevant dean finds sufficient documented justification for a complete or partial retroactive withdrawal, the dean will file an administrative request with the Office of the Registrar. When an approval has been granted, the dean’s office will also notify the course instructors and the chairs of the home departments of the decision and change of grade (provided they are still employed at UHD). The Office of the Registrar is responsible for letting the student know the relevant dean’s decision, which is final. Students seeking a retroactive withdrawal must appeal within one calendar year after the close of term for which the request is made.

4.6 Appeal of Course Grades: If a student believes a course grade to be in error (i.e. if it appears to be a miscalculation, or if it appears that grade was not calculated and/or evaluated according to the course instructor’s stated procedure) a student may file an appeal by proceeding in the following sequence: (1) appeal first to the course instructor, (2) if the appeal is not resolved to the student’s satisfaction, then appeal to the appropriate home department chair, (3) the final level of appeal would be to the appropriate dean.

4.6.1. If a student does not appeal a grade within one calendar year after the close of the semester in which the grade was received, the grade is final and no appeal will be heard.

4.6.2. The responsible party at each level has 14 academic calendar days to respond to students in writing with their decision regarding the appeal, unless granted an exception by the dean of the college in which the original grade was awarded. PS 03.A.04

4.6.3. Appeals must be submitted in writing. Students bear the responsibility by providing documentation related to the grade appeal. If the appeal reaches the chair or dean and it is determined that there is evidence of a grading error, the chair or dean will consult with the course instructor before making a final decision. Final decisions must be communicated in writing to all concerned parties.

4.6.4. When the appealed grade is from a course that is housed in multidisciplinary or multi-college program, all appeals will be handled within the course’s home department and college. A student may file an appeal by proceeding in the following sequence; (1) appeal first to the course instructor, (2) if the appeal is not resolved to the student’s satisfaction, the appeal to the chair of the department in which that course is housed (for courses in programs that do not have a department chair, the appeal is initiated with the program director), (3) the final level of appeal would be to the dean of the college in which that course is housed.

4.6.5. An instructor may appeal the chair’s decision to the Office of the Dean.

4.7 Change of Course Grade: A change of course grade initiated by the instructor must be approved by the home department chair within one calendar year after the close of the semester in which the grade was received. If the time period extends beyond one year or involves change from an F, it must also be approved by the dean.

4.7.1. A change of course grade issued by the home department chair must be approved by the dean and notification must be sent to the instructor.

4.7.2. A change of course grade issued by the dean must include notification to the instructor and home department chair.

5. Review Process

Responsible Party (Reviewer): Provost/Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Review Period: Every five years on or before June 1, and as necessary.

Signed original on file.

6. Policy History

Issue # 1: 06/04/1982

Issue # 2: 05/10/1984

Issue # 3: 02/15/1985

Issue # 4: 05/12/1988

Issue # 5: 08/01/1988

Issue # 6: 04/25/1994

Issue # 7: 01/29/2014

Issue # 8: 03/13/2015

Issue # 9: 06/22/2015

Issue #10: 06/28/2024 (this issue)

7. References


Grade Appeal Form

PS 03.A.03 – Auditing Courses

PS 03.A.11 – Credit by Examination and Credit by Approved Equivalencies

PS 03.A.36 - Course Drop Limit

Texas Education Code §51.907: Limitations on the Number of Courses that may be Dropped under Certain Circumstances

8. Exhibits

There are no exhibits associated with this P.S.