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Dr. Weining Feng

Dr. Weining Feng

Dr. Weining Feng

Associate Professor & Program, Coordinator Control & Instrumentation Engineering TechnologyComputer Science and Engineering Technology
OMB N708


Dr. Weining Feng joined Engineering Technology Department at UHD as an associate professor in Fall 1999. Being the Coordinator of Control and Instrumentation Engineering Technology (CIET) Program, she has been instrumental in the development of the program curriculum and lab learning materials. Dr. Feng has also been actively involved in supervising students in research projects ranging from process control systems, structural instrumentation and control, signal/data acquisition and processing, data communication protocols and standards. Prior to joining UHD, Dr. Feng worked extensively in the area of robot manipulator dynamics and control. She also had experience in system reliability study based on Failure Mode, Effects, and Criticality Analysis (FMECA).

Dr. Feng teaches regularly a range of courses in electronics and electric power systems, measurement and instrumentation, automation and control engineering, data communication and networking. Have been working on funded projects involving undergraduates for high-impact research experience.

Degrees Earned

  • Ph.D. in Control System Engineering , Strathclyde University, UK.
  • B . Eng. in Electrical Engineering, Behang University, China

Courses Taught

EET1411 - Electrical Circuits with Lab

EET2421 - Electronic Devices and Amplifiers

EET2431 - Digital Logic Design

EET3334 - Electrical Power Systems

EET3435 - Fundamentals of Automation and Control

EET3451 - Instruments and Transducers

EET4335 - Data Communication and Networking

ENGR4438 - Safety Instrumented Systems

ENGR4328 - Senior Projects in Control and instrumentation

More Information


  • W. Feng, A. Gomez-Rivas, G. Pincus, "Embedding Process Control Concepts with Online Learning", Proc. of International Conference on Engineering Education and Research (ICEER) 2005

  • W. Feng, A. Gomez-Rivas, "An Experimental Approach for Evaluating Harmonic Frequencies of a Flexible Beam", Proc. of American Society of Engineering Education Conference, Portland, Oregon, 2005.

  • Ning-Shou Xu and Weining Feng, "Associative Memory-Based Robotic Manipulator Intelligent Control System", Proc. of Chinese Control Conference, Dec 6-8, 2000, Hong Kong.

  • W. Feng and I. Postlethwaite, "Robust Non-Linear H/Adaptive Control of Robot Manipulator". Proc. IMechE, Vol. 208, 1994.

  • W. Feng and I. Postlethwaite, "A Simple Robust Control Scheme for Robot Manipulators with Only Joint Position Measurement". The International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol. 12, No. 5, 1993.

  • W. Feng and M. J. Grimble, "A New Procedure To Account For The Performance Interactions In Multivariable Systems". Proc. American Control Conference, 1989.

  • W. Feng, "On Practical Stability of Linear Multivariable Feedback Systems With Time-Delays", Automatica, Vol.27, No. 2, 1991.

  • W. Feng, "Characterisation And Computation For * In Linear Time-Invariant Singularly Perturbed Systems". Systems and Control Letter, Vol.11, No.3, 1988.

Academic Interest

Power management systems, conditioning monitoring, safety instrumented systems, and robotic manipulator control.