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Dr. Toni Hoang

Dr. Toni Hoang

Dr. Toni Hoang

Associate Professor of Communication StudiesArts and Communication
OMB S1009


Dr. Hoang is an Associate Professor of Communication with interests in health communication, risk communication, and computer-mediated communication. She has received numerous accolades for her excellence in teaching and service from the International Communication Association (ICA) and the University of Oklahoma Department of Communication. She is a past editorial assistant of the academic journal Communication Studies and was recognized for a Top Student Paper by the Central States Communication Association Health Communication Division. Dr. Hoang has published in the Journal of Health Communication: International Perspectives, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, and The Handbook of Crisis Communication.

Dr. Hoang is an enthusiastic member of the department, UHD, and the discipline. She is the former Communication Studies Program Coordinator and Field Experience Coordinator. She regularly teaches courses in health communication and is the author of COMM 3321 Patient Provider Communication, COMM 3323 Communication in Health Organizations, COMM 5302 Health Messaging, and APAL 4304 Crisis Management and Communication for Leaders. Dr. Hoang is a UHD alumna (Class of '99)!

Degrees Earned

Ph.D. in Communication from The University of Oklahoma (2009)

MA in Communication from The University of Houston (2005)

BA in Humanities, Minor in Communication from The University of Houston-Downtown (1999)

Courses Taught

COMM 1304 Introduction to Communication

COMM 1306 Beginning Public Speaking

COMM 2301 Health Communication

COMM 3314 Research in Communication Studies

COMM 3321 Patient Provider Communication

COMM 3323 Communication in Health Organizations

COMM 4302 Communication Campaigns

COMM 4380 Field Experience

COMM 4098 Capstone Portfolio

UHD 1301 Freshman Seminar in Communication

APAL 4304 Crisis Management and Communication for Leaders

Experience Qualifications

Dr. Hoang is a tenured Associate Professor of Communication Studies and the Assistant Chair of the Department of Arts & Communication at UHD. She holds a Ph.D. in Communication and maintains an active research program in health communication, as well as risk and crisis communication.

Synergistic Activities

Invited Panelist, COMM Speaker Event. Virtual presentation: Communicating COVID‐19. October 2020.

Senior personnel, Multi‐Disciplinary Strategies for Community Resilience and Disaster Recovery. Research proposal number 2044040 was submitted August 2020 to The National Science Foundation in response to NSF 20‐562 program announcement. Funding status is pending.

Co‐planner, Women's Health Lecture Series. Partnering with The Women's Fund for Health Education and Resiliency to plan and promote monthly guest lectures to raise awareness, share free resource materials, and provide professional networking on a range of health issues. 2017‐present.

Co-planner, Contextualizing Care in Cultures: Approaches to Cross‐Cultural Health and Medical Communication. Keynote speakers Kirk St. Amant, Ph.D., Professor and Eunice C. Williamson endowed Chair in Technical Communication, Louisiana Tech University and Francisco Sanchez, Deputy Emergency Management Coordinator, Public Information Officer, Harris County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management. 2019.

Member, President's Campus Safety Task Force, University of Houston‐Downtown. 2016.

Personnel, Collaborative Research: Examining the hurricane warning system: Content, channels, and comprehension. This research was funded by The National Science Foundation Grant (Contract/Grant Number 0838662). 2011.

Research Assistant, Center for Risk and Crisis Management, The University of Oklahoma. The Risk Center is dedicated to inter‐disciplinary research among various scientists in the university environment who examine natural and man‐made hazards and disasters. A strong component of the institute is the inclusion of graduate and undergraduate research assistants who are mentored by senior researchers. 2006‐2007.

More Information

Hoang, T. S. (2015). Blogging during a crisis: Threat and efficacy in online communication during a hurricane. Online Journal of Communication and Media Technologies, 5(2), 1‐30.

Hoang, T. S. (2014). Community risk management: Bolstering emergency preparedness and resilience. Journal of Business Administration and Management Sciences Research, 3(7), 148‐ 151.

Hoang, T. S. (2014), Response and efficacy during an active shooter crisis. Poster presentation at The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Eighth Annual National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing, and Media, Atlanta, GA: August 19‐21.

Angie, A., Davis, J., Allen, M., Byrne, C., Ruark, G., Cunningham, C., Hoang, T., Bernard, D., Hughes, M., Connelly, S., O'Hair, H., & Mumford, M. (2011). Studying ideological groups online: Identification and assessment of risk factors for violence. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 41(3), 627‐657.

Littlefield, R., Rowan, K. E., Veil, S., Kisselburgh, L., Beauchamp, K., Vidoloff, K., Dick, M. L., Russell‐Loretz, T., Cho, H., Kim, I., Ruvarac, A., & Wang, Q., Hoang, T. S., Neff, B., Toles‐Patkin, T., Troester, R., Hyder, S., Venette, S., & Sellnow, T. L. (2010). "We tell people. It's up to them to be prepared": Public relations practices of local emergency managers (pp. 245‐260). In W. T. Coombs & S. H. Holladay (Eds.), Handbook of crisis communication. New York: Wiley‐ Blackwell.

Query, J. L., Bonaguro, E. W., Siriko, T., Maslowski, B., & Yamasaki, J. (2006). Review of the book Handbook of health communication. In S. C. Ratzan (Ed.), Journal of Health Communication, 11(1), 109-129.