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Tahereh Jafari

Tahereh Jafari

Tahereh Jafari

LecturerFinance, Information Systems, Economics and Risk Management
SSB B310


Discipline: MIS

Degrees Earned

MS Computer Science with additional Ph.D. level courses in MIS

Courses Taught

Business courses, Management Information Systems, Computer Science, Computer Networking, Computer Security, Computer Languages

Experience Qualifications

Business and Professional Experience:

Tehrani and Associates, LLC Certified Public Accountants - Information Technology Consultant
MIH Institute of Houston - Vice President of Administration
EXXONMOBIL UPSTREAM TECHNICAL COMPUTING COMPANY, Houston, Texas - Senior Specialist/Project Manager
UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON, Houston, Texas - Operating Systems Programmer 3/Project Lead/Oracle Database Administrator/Computer Security

More Information

Research and Creative Interests:

Research Publications:
"Financial Risk Preference versus Academic Risk Preference in College Students", ICBEP 2016 Oct. 22-23 in South San Francisco, CA.
"A New Role for User Services", ACM-SIGUCCS Conference, Reno, Nevada
"Host Language Interface For Relational Database Using Procedure Call Interface", Thesis,
University of Houston, Houston, Texas