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Dr. Ruth Johnson

Dr. Ruth Johnson

Dr. Ruth Johnson

Associate Professor of PsychologySocial Sciences
OMB N1073


Dr. Ruth Johnson is a cognitive psychologist with a background in cognitive neuroscience. She began teaching at UHD in 2007 and has previously served as coordinator of the psychology program. Dr. Johnson teaches courses on Introduction to Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Biological Psychology, Sensation & Perception, and Psychology of Memory.

Degrees Earned

Ph.D. 2008 Rice University

M.A. 2004 Rice University

B.S. 2001 Texas A&M University

Courses Taught

  • PSY 1303 Introduction to Psychology
  • PSY 3311 Biological Psychology
  • PSY 3319 Cognitive Psychology
  • PSY 4311 Sensation and Perception
  • PSY 4321 Psychology of Memory
  • PSY 4395 Special Projects in Psychology

Experience Qualifications

Dr. Ruth Johnson is a cognitive psychologist with a background in cognitive neuroscience. She has been teaching courses related to biological and cognitive psychology at UHD since 2007. Her previous research has examined the neural aspects of visual and tactile perception, as well as the components of episodic memory. Currently, Dr. Johnson is investigating the complexities of facial processing biases in attention using a change detection paradigm. In addition, she also explores educational differences in traditional and online learning modalities for both students and faculty using best practice models.

Teaching Experience:

2013-Present: Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Houston-Downtown
2007-2013: Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of Houston-Downtown
2007: Lecturer, Rice University

Academic Scholarship/Research/Creative Endeavors:

Johnson, R., Stewart, C., & Bachman, C. (2013). What drives students to complete online courses? What drives faculty to teach online? Validating a measure of motivation orientation in university students and faculty. Interactive Learning Environments.

Babb, S., Stewart, C., & Johnson, R. (2013). Applying the Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education to Blended Learning Environments. In L. Kyei-Blankson & E. Ntuli. (Eds.), Practical Applications and Experiences in K-20 Blended Learning Environments (pp. 192-212). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Babb, S.J. & Johnson, R.M. (2010|2011). Object, spatial, and temporal memory: A behavioral analysis of visual scenes using a what, where, and when paradigm. Current Psychology Letters: Behaviour, Brain, & Cognition, 26(2).

Johnson, R.M, Burton, P., & Ro, T. (2006). Visually induced feelings of touch. Brain Research, 1073-1074, 398-406.

More Information

Dr. Ruth Johnson is a cognitive psychologist with a background in cognitive neuroscience. Her previous research has examined the neural aspects of visual and tactile perception, as well as the components of episodic memory. Currently, Dr. Johnson is investigating the complexities of facial processing biases in attention using a change detection paradigm. In addition, she also explores educational differences in traditional and online learning modalities for both students and faculty using best practice models.


Johnson, R., Stewart, C., & Bachman, C. (2015). What drives students to complete online courses? What drives faculty to teach online? Validating a measure of motivation orientation in university students and faculty. Interactive Learning Environments, 23(4), 528-543.

Babb, S., Stewart, C., & Johnson, R. (2013). Applying the Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education to Blended Learning Environments. In L. Kyei-Blankson & E. Ntuli. (Eds.), Practical Applications and Experiences in K-20 Blended Learning Environments (pp. 192-212). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Babb, S., Stewart, C., & Johnson, R. (2010). Constructing communication in blended learning environments: Students' perceptions of good practice in hybrid courses. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 6(4), 735-753.

Stewart, C., Bachman, C., & Johnson, R. (2010b). Predictors of faculty acceptance of online education. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 6(3), 597-616.

Stewart, C., Bachman, C., & Johnson, R. (2010a). Students' characteristics and motivation orientations for online and traditional degree programs. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 6(2), 367-379.

Babb, S.J. & Johnson, R.M. (2010|2011). Object, spatial, and temporal memory: A behavioral analysis of visual scenes using a what, where, and when paradigm. Current Psychology Letters: Behaviour, Brain, & Cognition, 26(2).

Ro, T., Farne, A., Johnson, R., Weedon, V., Chu, Z., Wang, Z., Hunter, J., & Beauchamp, M. (2007). Feeling sounds after a thalamic lesion. Annals of Neurology, 62, 433-441.

Johnson, R., Burton, P., & Ro, T. (2006). Visually induced feelings of touch. Brain Research, 1073-1074, 398-406.