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Dr. Rob Austin McKee

Dr. Rob Austin McKee

Dr. Rob Austin McKee

Associate ProfessorManagement
SSB B457


Discipline: Organizational Behavior

Rob Austin McKee is an Assistant Professor of Leadership and Entrepreneurship at the University of Houston-Downtown. He earned his Ph.D. and MBA from the University of Houston. His research interests include decision-making, leadership, personality, and visceral states. His work has appeared in Journal of Management, The Leadership Quarterly, and Business Horizons. Rob is Vice President for Business Development at Flexios, a medical device startup working in the area of hand tendon repair. He is a former nuclear reactor operator for the United States Navy and an avid rock climber.

Degrees Earned

University of Houston, C.T. Bauer College of Business - Ph.D. in Management

University of Houston, C.T. Bauer College of Business - Master of Business Administration

Courses Taught

Introductory and advanced undergraduate and MBA courses on organizational behavior, management, decision-making, leadership, and stress

Experience Qualifications

Business and Professional Experience:

Vice President for Business Development, Flexios LLC - providing streamlined surgical solutions for hand tendon repair that improve strength, smoothness, and patient satisfaction

Former Nuclear Reactor Operator for the United States Navy

More Information

Research and Creative Interests:

Experimental research regarding organizational behavior, including but not limited to:
Decision-making, followership, group functioning, leadership, personality, research methodology, self-other rating agreement, social loafing, visceral states