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Rebecca Morales

Rebecca Morales

Rebecca Morales

LecturerMathematics and Statistics
OMB S749


My educational focus has developed as an approach to increase student achievement in mathematics learning through adaptive techniques as an educator. During my undergraduate education, I observed and interacted with experimental instruction at a popular charter school under the mentorship of educators assigned through teaching fellowships. This experience displayed a strong need for more interactive, exploratory curricula for struggling mathematics students. As an educator, I strive to find ways to provide more effective lessons that evoke deeper conceptual understanding for my students.

Degrees Earned

Bachelor of Arts, History, Rice University, 2010

M. Ed., Math Education, University of Houston, 2015

Courses Taught

Math Concepts I, Math Concepts II, College Algebra

Experience Qualifications

4 years as a high school educator, 2 years in a charter school environment

More Information

Office Hours:
M/W 2:30 - 3:30, Th 12:30 - 2, by appointment

Research Interest:
Online curriculum as a medium for mathematics education; project-based curriculum and its impact versus traditional curricula