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Dr. Raquel Chiquillo

Dr. Raquel Chiquillo

Dr. Raquel Chiquillo

Associate Professor of SpanishHistory, Humanities, and Languages
OMB S1023


Dr. Raquel Chiquillo began teaching at the University of Houston-Downtown in 2002, after working for a year as an instructor of Spanish at the University of Virginia. She also served as Assistant Chair of the Department of Arts & Humanities from January 2016 through July 2017. Dr. Chiquillo is an active member of Sigma Delta Pi, La Sociedad Nacional Honoraria Hispánica and was its faculty advisor from 2010-2016. Dr. Chiquillo has also served as program leader for the Study Abroad Trip to Costa Rica in 2013, 2015, 2017 and will do so again in 2019. Dr. Chiquillo teaches a wide range of courses as needed, everything from Elementary Spanish to upper-level survey courses.

Degrees Earned

2001 Ph.D. in Spanish and Spanish American Literature, University of Virginia

1997 MA in Spanish and Spanish-American Literature, University of Virginia

1995 BA (with distinction) in International Studies and Foreign Languages (Spanish), George Mason University

Courses Taught

SPAN 1401 Elementary Spanish I

SPAN 1402 Elementary Spanish II

SPAN 2301 Intermediate Spanish I

SPAN 2302 Intermediate Spanish II

SPAN 3340 Intro. to Hispanic Literature

SPAN 3324 Neighbors & Trading Partners: Trade, Culture & People in Spanish-America

SPAN 4342 Survey of Spanish-American Lit: Columbus to Independence

SPAN 4343 Survey of Spanish American Lit: Modernismo to the Present

Experience Qualifications

Dr. Chiquillo has a Ph.D. in Spanish and Spanish-American Literature from the University of Virginia. Her research interests lie in 20th C. and Contemporary Latin American Literature, primarily in poetry and narrative. She has published eight single-author refereed scholarly articles in her field. Dr. Chiquillo has also presented scholarly papers at the following regional, national, and international conferences: KFLC: The Languages, Cultures, and Literatures Conference, the Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference, the annual conference of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, the South Central Modern Language Annual Conference, the International Conference on Caribbean Studies, the International Conference on Afro-Latin American Studies, the Humanities Education and Research Association Annual Conference, the Southeast Coastal Conference on Languages and Literatures and the Modern Language Association Annual Convention. Dr. Chiquillo is currently focused on getting a book published.

Teaching Experience:

Associate Professor of Spanish from 2008 to present, UHD

Assistant Professor of Spanish from 2002 to 2008, UHD.

Instructor, University of Virginia, 2001-2002


Addressing Accessibility (STD 8) Certificate of Completion online in 2014 from Quality Matters.

UHD Online Teaching Certificate Program, UHD, through CTLE, TTLC & the W.I. Dykes Library, May 21, 2018-June 4, 2018.

More Information

Refereed Publications:

"Historical Memory, the Sacred and Literary Creation: The Prologue of José Roberto Cea's Todo el códice". Interdisciplinary Humanities Vol. 32.2 (Summer 2015): 40-51.

"La violencia y la animalización del ser humano en Post-Card y otros poemas

: El bestiario de Manlio Argueta." Hispanic Poetry Review v.10 n. 2 (2015 May):40-60

"A Brief Study of Madness in the Poetry of Roque Dalton." Monographic Review/Revista Monográfica Vol. XXVI (2010): 165-182.

"The Media, the Cold War and the Struggle to (Re)Appropriate the Salvadoran Civil War in David Escobar Galindo's Sonetos penitenciales." Antípodas: Journal of Hispanic and Galician Studies XXI (2010): 99-114.

"Hacia la confrontación con el no-idioma: el uso del color y la naturaleza en El libro de Dios y de los húngaros." Hispanic Poetry Review v. 6 n.12 (2006 December): 68-89.

"Transformaciones antropomórficas y construcciones orgánicas: La ballena y el cangrejo en tres poemas de Antonio Cisneros." Monographic Review/Revista Monográfica Vol. XX (2004): 226-240.

"El reto de Roque: la metáfora, los símbolos, el humor y la personificación en dos poemas 'comprometidos'." Antípodas: Journal of Hispanic and Galician Studies XIII/XIV (2001/2002): 223-238.

"El juego intertextual como vía crítica: El caso de Luis García Montero." Hispanic Poetry Review v. 3 n. 5 (2001 May): 51-69.