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Dr. Paul Kintzele

Dr. Paul Kintzele

Dr. Paul Kintzele

Associate Professor of English - Associate DeanEnglish
OMB S1015


Dr. Kintzele's articles include those published in the Journal of Modern Literature, Modern Drama, and the Journal of Philosophy: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry. In 2013, Dr. Kintzele won a University of Houston-Downtown Organized Research and Creative Activity (ORCA) grant that supported archival work at the Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas at Austin on the work of English novelist John Fowles

Degrees Earned

Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 2002

Courses Taught

ENG 1301 - Composition I: Writing about the Bill of Rights

ENG 2305 - Time Travel in Literature and Film

ENG 2314 - British Literature after 1800

ENG 3306 - Introduction to Literary Theory

ENG 3311 - Studies in Poetry

ENG 3377 - 20th Century British Literature and Culture: The Modern British Novel

ENG 3377 - 20th Century British Literature and Culture: Modern Irish Literature

ENG 4313 - Psychology Through Literature

ENG 6313 - British Literature Seminar: Islands

Experience Qualifications

Summary of Qualifications:

Dr. Paul Kintzele has a Ph.D. in English from the University of Pennsylvania. He is an Associate Professor of English at the University of Houston-Downtown, where he specializes in the study of modernist and postmodernist literature. He also maintains an active interest in critical theory, especially psychoanalysis. His articles include those published in the Journal of Modern Literature, Modern Drama, and the Journal of Philosophy: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry. In 2013, Dr. Kintzele won a University of Houston-Downtown Organized Research and Creative Activity (ORCA) grant that supported archival work at the Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas at Austin on the work of English novelist John Fowles. With nearly twenty years of experience teaching at the university level, Dr. Kintzele is well qualified to teach English courses at all levels.

More Information

Research Interests
British and Irish Modernism, Postmodernism, Postcolonial Literature, Critical Theory, Psychoanalysis.


" 'The Urb It Orbs': James Joyce and Internationalism." Intertexts 16.2 (Fall 2012): 55-78.

"Gender in Winterson's Sexing the Cherry." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 12.3 (September 2010).

"Voyaging Out: The Woolfs and Internationalism." Journal of Philosophy: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry 5.12 (Spring 2010): 41-52.

"Sacrifice, Inhibition, and Oedipal Fantasy in Krapp's Last Tape." Modern Drama 52.2 (Summer 2009): 207-19.

"Mourning and Echolalia." Review of The Purest of Bastards: Works of Mourning, Art, and Affirmation in the Thought of Jacques Derrida, by David Farrell Krell. Journal of Modern Literature 27.4 (Summer 2004): 133-35.

"Pim's Progress: The Trouble with Language in Beckett's How It Is." Samuel Beckett Today/Aujourd'hui 12 (Winter 2002): 297-310.

"Lord Jim: Conrad's Fable of Judgment." Journal of Modern Literature 25.2 (Winter 2001-02): 69-79.