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Dr. Omprakash Gupta

Dr. Omprakash Gupta

Dr. Omprakash Gupta

SSB B491


Discipline: Management

Dr. Gupta has Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from Purdue University. His teaching and research interests are in operations management, management science, application of mathematical models to business and management. He is editor-in-chief of International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management and AIMS International Journal of Management. He has published well over seventy research papers.

Degrees Earned

Ph.D. Industrial Engineering (Purdue University)

Courses Taught

GBA 5206: Production & Operations Mgt. (2) (G)
MBA 6206: Operations Management (2) (G)
MGT 3332: Operations & Supply Chain Mgt (3) (U)
MGT 6332: Mgt Decision Mkg for Sec Execs (3) (G)

Experience Qualifications

Dr. Gupta has one year in CMC Ltd. - a software company, consulting in operations management area with several companies. Dr. Gupta has extensive research experience with more than sixty publications in refereed research journals. He also has extensive teaching experience in higher education at University of Houston-Downtown, Prairie View A&M University, Purdue University, Nirma University, Indiana University Northwest and Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad