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Dr. Natalia Matveeva

Dr. Natalia Matveeva

Dr. Natalia Matveeva

Professor Communication StudiesArts and Communication
OMB N1055


Dr. Natalia Matveeva has been teaching a variety of undergraduate and graduate communication courses at UHD since 2007. She specializes in business communication, training and development, plain language, intercultural communication, and small group communication. Her most recent publications appeared in Programmatic Perspectives, Technical Communication Quarterly, Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, and the IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication. Her co-authored edited collection (with Dr. Godwin Agboka), titled Citizenship and Advocacy in Technical Communication, was published by Routledge in 2018. In addition, Dr. Matveeva is a co-founder and co-director of the Institute for Plain English Research and Study (IPERS) at UHD. She and her colleagues offer plain language training sessions to professionals in private and public sector organizations in the Houston area.

Degrees Earned

Ph.D. in Technical Communication and Rhetoric; minor in Applied Linguistics, Texas Tech University

M.A. in English, with an emphasis in Professional Writing, Pittsburg State University

B.A. in Russian and English Literature and Languages, Kazan State University, Russia

Courses Taught

COMM 2307: Intercultural Communication
COMM 3306: Business and Professional Speech Communication
COMM 3315: Small Group Communication
COMM 3348: Government Communication
COMM 4330: Communication Training and Development
COMM 5315: Strategic Team Leadership

TCOM 3302: Business and Technical Report Writing
TCOM 3326: Proposal Writing
TCOM 3330: Desktop Publishing
TCOM 3336: Writing for the Web
TCOM 4308: Plain Language in Government, Medical, and Business Writing
TCOM 6310: Intercultural & World Communication
TCOM 6324: Writing in the Professions Using Plain Language
TCOM 6331: Grant Writing for Nonprofit Management
TCOM 6360: Research Methods in Technical and Professional Communication
SM 6670/80: Current Issues for Security Executives

Experience Qualifications

Dr. Matveeva is a tenured full professor in the Communication Studies program and specializes in corporate communication. Her research focuses on

  • plain language and its applications in various contexts (corporate settings; government; and medical spheres)
  • cross-cultural differences in business communication
  • cultural dimensions and typologies in intercultural communication
  • methods of teaching intercultural communication (experiential teaching; teaching and training methods)

More Information


  • Matveeva, N., Akhmerova, L. & Savich, I. (2022). Workplace documentation in the former Soviet Union and in today's Russia and Belarus. In M. Minielli, M. Lukacovic, S. Samoilenko, M. Finch, & D. Uecker (Eds.). Communication theory and application in post-socialist contexts (pp. 59-78). Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
  • Agboka G. & Matveeva N. (Eds.). (2018). Citizenship and advocacy in technical communication: Scholarly and pedagogical perspectives. Eds. New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Matveeva, N., Moosally, M., & Willerton, R. (Eds). (2017). IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication: A Special Issue on Plain Language. 60(4).
  • Matveeva, N., & Bespalova, E. (2016). Visible and invisible boundaries: Documentation Requirements for opening a foreign representative office in Russia and in the United States. In P. Zemliansky & K. St.Amant (Eds.), Rethinking Post-Communist Rhetoric: Perspectives on Rhetoric, Communication and Writing in the Post-Soviet Space and the Eastern Bloc (pp. 97-112). Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
  • Matveeva, N. (2015). Teaching technical, scientific, or professional communication at Hispanic-Serving institutions. Programmatic Perspectives, 7(1), 3-20.
  • Savage, G. & Matveeva, N. (2011). Toward racial and ethnic diversity in technical communication programs: A study of technical communication in Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Tribal Colleges and Universities in the United States. Programmatic Perspectives, 3(1), 152-179.
  • Matveeva, N. (2008). Teaching intercultural communication in a basic technical writing course: A survey of our current practices and methods. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, 38(4), 387-410.
  • Matveeva, N. (2007). The intercultural component in textbooks for teaching a technical writing service course. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, 37(2), 151-166.
  • Barker, T. & Matveeva, N. (2006). Teaching intercultural communication in a technical writing service course: Real instructors' practices and suggestions for textbook selection. Technical Communication Quarterly, 15(2), 191-214.


  • Matveeva, N. Faculty Development Award. 2022, 2019, 2018, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2012, 2008
  • Matveeva, N. Organized Research and Creative Activities Grant (ORCA). 2020, 2016.
  • Matveeva, N. Professional Development Grant. Mobile Device/Tablet Pilot Program, the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence at UHD. 2016.
  • Matveeva, N. The Elkin's Foundation Grant, UHD. 2015, 2010, 2009, 2007
  • Matveeva, N. & Moosally M. High-Impact Practices Grant, UHD. 2015, 2014
  • Matveeva, N. Community Engagement Mini-Grant from Center for Public Service and Family Strengths, UHD. 2014, 2012
  • Matveeva, N., and Moosally, M. Major Grant for Community Projects, Humanities Texas, the state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities. 2010, 2008.
  • Matveeva, N. The Cultural Enrichment Center Grant, UHD. 2009.

Awards and Recognitions

  • Finalist, Excellence in Service Award, UHD, 04/2021.
  • Top papers in Eurasian Communication Research. "Workplace Documentation in the Former Soviet Union and in Today's Russia and Belarus." Paper presented at the NCA 105th Annual Convention, Baltimore, MD, 11/2019.
  • The 2019 Technical and Scientific Communication Award for Best Original Collection of Essays for the edited collection, Special Issue on Plain Language (2017; with Drs. Michelle Moosally and Russell Willerton), by the Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), 3/2019.
  • Finalist, Excellence in Teaching Award, UHD, 04/2015.
  • William Bryan Gates Graduate Award, Texas Tech University, 09/2006.
  • Study Abroad Scholarship, Texas Tech University, 07/2006.
  • Summer Dissertation Award, Texas Tech University, 06/2006.
  • TEACH fellowship, Teaching Effectiveness and Career Enhancement Program, Texas Tech University, 2003-2004.
  • Recognition for the Excellence of Teaching, Pittsburg State University, 04/2002.
  • Recognition for the Excellence of Research, Pittsburg State University, 04/2001.
  • Diploma of Higher Education with Honors, Kazan State University, 05/2000.