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Dr. Mobasher Mohsen

Dr. Mohsen Mobasher

Dr. Mohsen Mobasher

Associate ProfessorSocial Sciences
OMB N1035


Mohsen Mobasher began teaching at UHD in 2002. He received his doctoral degree in anthropology from Southern Methodist University. He served as the Director of Cullen Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (2003-2006), Coordinator of the sociology (2008), and Director of Houston Urban Research Institute (2010). Dr. Mobasher teaches courses on Cultural Anthropology, World Migration, Global Society, Urban Sociology, Social Inequality, Race and Ethnic Relations, and Introduction to Sociology.

Degrees Earned

Doctorate degree: Cultural Anthropology (Southern Methodist University)

Courses Taught

  • Global Migration/Transnationalism
  • Race & Ethnic Relations
  • Global Society
  • Research Methods
  • Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
  • Urban Sociology
  • Social Inequality
  • Social Problems
  • Introduction to Sociology
  • People and Cultures of the Middle East

Experience Qualifications

Dr. Mobasher has a Ph.D. in cultural Anthropology and a graduate degree in sociology. He teaches both anthropology and sociology courses. He is currently an Associate Professor of Anthropology at Sociology. His areas of expertise include: transnational migration, globalization, ethnic economy, people and cultures of the Middle East, and Iranian Diaspora.

Graduate Coursework:

SOCI 5450: Population and Society
SOCI 5100: Seminar in Social Psychology
SOCI 6100: Seminar in Social Theory
SOCI 5900: Special Problems
SOCI 5200: Seminar Research Method and Design
SOCI 5260: Introduction to Social Statistics
SOCI 6910: Methods Teaching Sociology

Teaching Experience:

2002-Present Associate Professor of Anthropology & Sociology, UH-D

2008-2010 Visiting Associate Professor of Anthropology & Sociology, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar

2007-2008 Adjunct Associate Professor of Sociology, UH-D

1999-2002 Lecturer, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas

1997-1999 Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology, Southern Methodist University, Department of Anthropology, Division of Sociology, Dallas, Texas

1995-1996 Adjunct Anthropology Instructor, Austin College, Sherman, Texas

1988-1993 Sociology Instructor, Richland College, Dallas, Texas

1986-1988 Teaching Fellow, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas

More Information

Dr. Mobasher's areas of specialization and research interests include globalization, immigration, transnationalism, ethnic entrepreneurship, race and ethnic relations, and Iranian immigrants in Diaspora. He has done extensive quantitative and qualitative research on Iranian immigrants in Texas since 1993 and has published a book and a number of articles on Iranian ethnic economy, ethnic identity, and integration of Iranians in major social science journals. His most recent book "Iranians in Texas: Migration, Politics, and Ethnic Identity" was published in 2012 by University of Texas Press. He has also co-edited a book entitled "Migration, Globalization, and Ethnic Relations: an Interdisciplinary Approach." Currently, he is working on an edited book on Iranians in Diaspora.


2012 Mobasher M. Mohsen Iranians in Texas: Migration, Politics, and Ethnic Identity. University of Texas Press, Austin, Texas

2003 Mobasher M. Mohsen & Mahmoud Sadri (Eds) Migration, Globalization, and Ethnic Relations: An Interdisciplinary Approach New Jersey: Prentice-Hall

Book Chapters

2015 "Shift in U.S.-Iran Political Relations, and Status of Iranian Immigrants in the United States." In Social Change in Post-Khomeini Iran. Edited by Mahmood Monshipouri, Hurst/Oxford University Press (Forthcoming)

2013 "Iranians and Iranian-Americans, 1945-Present." In Immigrants in American History: Arrival, Adaptation, and Integration. Edited by Elliott Robert Barkan, Volume 3, ABC CLIO, Santa Barbara California

2010 "Applying Sociological Imagination Perspective to Global Issues: Challenges of Teaching Sociology of Globalization in Qatar." In HAZAWI: Stories From Qatar. Qatar Narrative Series, Volume 4, 2010. Bloomsbury Qatar Foundation Publishing, Doha, Qatar

2007 "Iranian Immigrant Entrepreneurs in the United States" In The Handbook of Research on Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship. Edited by L. Dana, Cheltenham, England, Edward Elgar

2003 "Ethnic Resources and Ethnic Economy: the case of Iranian Immigrants in Dallas." In Migration Globalization, and Ethnic Relations: An Interdisciplinary Approach (pp.297-306). Edited by Mohsen M. Mobasher & Mahmoud Sadri, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall

Encyclopedia Articles

2014 "Muslim Minorities in the United States." In the Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity and Nationalism. Edited by John Stone and Xiaoshuo Hou, Wiley-Blackwell (Forthcoming)

2013 "Entrepreneurship." In Encyclopedia of American Immigration, Second Edition. Edited by James Ciment, M.E. Sharpe, New York (Forthcoming)

2013 "Houston." In Encyclopedia of American Immigration, Second Edition. Edited by James Ciment, M.E. Sharpe, New York (Forthcoming)

2014 Awarded Faculty Leave Award

2008 Nominated for the best teacher award, Qatar University

2007 Awarded Faculty Leave Award

2006 Nominated for the best teaching award, University of Houston-Downtown

2000 Awarded HOPE "Honoring Our Professors' Excellence" Professor Award,

Southern Methodist University

1999 Awarded Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award, Southern Methodist University

1998 Awarded Faculty Appreciation Award, Mortar Board Senior Honor Society,

Southern Methodist University

1993 Awarded Teacher of the Month, Richland College

1988- 1992 Nominated for Teaching Excellence Award, Richland College