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Dr. Michael Pettiette

Dr. Michael Pettiette

Dr. Michael Pettiette

LecturerGeneral Business, Marketing, and Supply Chain Management


Dr. Michael Pettiette has 20 years of industry experience. Michael has been a CEO at an advertising agency and a VP at a Fortune 500 (CBS) managing a 100+ person organization. He has also served as Program Director for MMA Global's Marketing Organization Structure Think Tank (MOSTT). In 2022, Michael founded Clever Cat Consulting and works with clients such as Orange Theory Fitness and the Texas Association of Broadcasting in the areas of Marketing Strategy, Digital Transformation and Organizational Design. Michael teaches courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels in the areas of Marketing Management, Business Communications, Personal Selling, Buyer Behavior and Marketing Analytics.

Degrees Earned

Doctorate of Education - University of Southern California - Organizational Change and Leadership, 2016 - 2018
Master of Global Management - Tulane University - A.B. Freeman School of Business - International Business, 2012 - 2014
Master of Business Administration - Tulane University - A.B. Freeman School of Business - Management and Finance, 2009 - 2011
Bachelor of Arts, Cum Laude - University of Houston Honors College - Communications Major with a concentration in Advertising, Minor in Marketing, and Program for Excellence in Selling Certificate, 2002 - 2006

Courses Taught

• Business Communications GENB 6A50 - UH MBA (face to face)
• Integrated Marketing Programs and the Sales Force - UHD MBA (hybrid)
• Sales Negotiation and Communication - UHD MBA (hybrid)
• Advances in Personal Selling - UHD MBA (hybrid)
• Advertising Sales - UH undergraduate COMM school (face to face)
• Digital Marketing - UHD undergraduate business school (hybrid and online-only)
• Mobile, Email and Web - UHD undergraduate business school (hybrid and online-only)
• Understanding the Digital Consumer - UHD undergraduate business school (hybrid)
• International Business Development - UHD undergraduate business school (online-only)
• Directed Study in Marketing - UHD undergraduate business school (online-only)