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Dr. Mary Jo Parker

Dr. Mary Jo Parker

Dr. Mary Jo Parker

Executive Director, Scholars AcademyNatural Sciences
OMB N725


Dr. Parker's areas of expertise include: 1) Non-major biology; 2) STEM student success K-20; 3) minority STEM student success; and 4) high impact activities targeting STEM students. She also studies online course construction and its impact on student success, especially in the content area of biology.

Degrees Earned


  • Ed.D., Baylor University, 1998
  • M.A., Sam Houston State University, 1983
  • M.A., Sam Houston State University, 1979
  • B.A.T., Sam Houston State University, 1975


Principal, Texas Education Agency, 2005
Quality Matters Online Course Reviewer, December 2014
CITI RCR and Human Subjects Certification, 2013

Courses Taught

UHD Seminar (NS 2303)
SA Orientation (NS 2190)
Human Biology for Non-majors (Bio 1310 online)

Experience Qualifications


University of Houston-Downtown, 2009 -current
College Success Program 110N
Chemistry/Biology GRE Preparation Pilot course 4290
Online Biology for Non-majors 1310
University Seminar NS 2303

Sam Houston State University, 2011
Adjunct position
Master's degree in Education online course

Rice University,2008-2009
Center for Education, School Science & Technology
REMSL Teacher Development Lab

More Information

Current Grants:

  • Department of Education MSEIP, 2019-2022, $750,000.
  • Nuclear Regulatory Commission MSIP, 2015 - 2021, $850,000
  • Nuclear Regulatory Commission IUP Scholarship,2017-2020, $150,000

Peer-Reviewed Publications:

Parker, M. (2020). Revisiting Predictive Value of BlackBoard Learn Analytics: Determining Communicative Avenues That Best Engage Online Learners. AACE Ed Media, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Parker, M. (2020). What Can a Culture of Hispanic STEM Success Look Like? HETS, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Parker, M. (2019). Mentoring, Coaching, and Leadership for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. UNM Mentoring Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Parker, M. (2019). Curricular Changes: Less is more in online learning. NORD, Toronto, Canada.

Parker, M. (2019). Prelude Activities and Support for Incoming Freshmen in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). HUIC, Oahu, Hawaii.

Parker, M. (2018). Increasing and Ensuring Accessibility within an Online Non- Majors Biology Core Course. Ed Media + Innovate Learning, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Parker, M. and Saha, S. (2018). Using BlackBoard Learn Evaluation Tools to Inform Learner Preferences and Course Design in an Online Non-Majors Biology Course. ITLS, Houston, Texas.

Parker, M. and Nakamura, M. (2018). Peer Leaders as Role Models for Freshmen to Develop Right Mindset. JNGI Gateway Course Experiences Conference, Houston, Texas

Parker, M. (2018). STEM Leadership across Natural Sciences, Computer Science and Engineering Technology, and Mathematics. HUIC, Oahu, Hawaii.

Parker, M. (2017). Using BlackBoard Learn Analytics to Understand Redesign and Student Success within a Non-Majors Biology Online Learning Environment. AACE E-Learn, Vancouver, Canada.

Parker, M.& Nakamura, M. (2017). STEM Early Career Research - Pathway for First Generation STEM Persistence & College to Career Readiness. HACU. San Diego, California.

Parker, M. (2017). Integrating Zoom Collaboration into BlackBoard Learn Groups to Enhance Teamwork. AACE Ed Media Conference, Washington, DC.

Parker, M. (2017). Peer Led Team Learning in STEM Tutoring. IPLTL. Miami, Florida.

Parker M. (2016). Bringing Real-Time Collaboration to the Non-Majors Biology Online Environment Supporting Engagement and Team-Building. AACE, E-Learn Conference. Washington, D.C.


  • 2015 UHD Provost Excellence Award


Seminar Course Model for Underrepresented Freshmen/New Transfer Undergraduates in Math and Science. Conference Proceedings. Honolulu, Hawaii.

Parker, M. (September 2012). IARSLCE Conference. Service-Learning as a Developmental Tool for STEM Leadership. 2012 Conference Proceedings, Baltimore, MD.

Parker, M. (February 6, 2007). TCEA Educational Technology Research Symposium. LiveChat Tutorials: Use Their Surfing Behaviors To Your Benefit. 1, 102-113.

ERIC ED444455 - Web-Based Extended Learning through Discussion Forums. Research Paper:

Connecting Technology to Teaching and Learning. Connecting @ the Crossroads, NECC 2000: National Educational Computing Conference. Proceedings (Atlanta, GA, June 26-28, 2000); see IR 020 086.

ERIC ED432993 - Are Academic Behaviors Fostered in Web-Based Environments? In: Spotlight on the Future, NECC '99. National Educational Computing Conference Proceedings (20th, Atlantic City, NJ, June 22-24, 1999); see IR 019 708.


Peer Reviewer, HUIC Conference Proposal Reviewer, January 2017

Peer Reviewer, NSF I-TEST Grant Proposal Reviewer; September 2016.

Presenter, Parker, M. (February 2017). JNGI 2017 Gateway Course Experience Conference. Integration of Service

  • Learning in a PLTL Workshop Course to Increase Student Engagement and Connectedness through
  • Community Engagement. Las Vegas, Nevada.

Presenter, 2012 IARSLCE Annual Conference, "Service Learning as a Developmental Tool for STEM Leadership", Poster, Baltimore, MD, September 2012.

Peer Reviewer, NARST Conference Proposal Reviewer; September 2012.

2012 Computing Education for the 21st Century PI and Community Meeting, Washington, D.C., February 2012.

Peer Reviewer, Journal of the Research Center for Educational Technology; 2011-current.

Site Researcher, University of Memphis, NSRC iLASER classroom observer, September 2011 - current.


Dr. Shengli Yuan, UHD, Co-PI, TWC Award # 2816WPB001, 2016-2017

Ms. Kelli Lupold, Neighborhood Centers, TWC Award # 2816WPB001, October 2016

Mr. Daniel Zendajas, Gulf Coast Workforce Board, Partner, TWC Award # 2816WPB001, 2016-2017

Dr. Karen Jacobs, Subaward PI, Alief ISD, EPA Environmental Education, 2014

Dr. Kelly Mizell, Subaward PI, San Jacinto Community College, NIH, 2014

Dr. Bart Sheinberg, Subaward PI, Houston Community College, NRC CC 2014-2016

Dr. Rachna Sadana, UHD, Co-PI, TWC Summer Merit Program, 2015

Dr. Amy Baird, UHD, Co-PI, DOED MSEIP, 2013

Dr. Katarina Jegdic, UHD, Co-PI, DOED MSEIP, 2013

Dr. Mian Jiang, UHD, Co-PI, DOED MSEIP, 2013; NOAA 2013; TWC Summer Merit 2015

Dr. Maria Gabriella Bowden, UHD, NIH proposal, 2013; NOAA proposal 2015

Dr. Lisa Morano, UHD, Natural Science Department Chair, 2009-current

Dr. Robin Jose, UHD, Natural Science Intervention presentation, 2012

Dr. Michael Rowe, University of Memphis, DOED CREP Project, Site Researcher, 2011-2015.

Drs. Brad Hoge, Poonam Gulati, Mian Jiang, Jon Aoki, Co-PIs, TWC award, 2012-2013

Dr. Bryon Christmas, NRC proposal, 2012

Drs. Janusz Grebowicz, Maria Benavides, NRC MSIP, NRC Scholarship awards, 2010-current.

Douglas Rogers, Baylor University (dissertation chair), 1998


My interest areas include STEM Education and Outreach at the K-16 levels of education. I also have research interests in educational technology and online learning environments, especially within the STEM disciplines.


"High Impact Engagement of STEM HSI Undergraduates: Freshman and Transfer Seminar Course Engagement". Gateway Course Experiences Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina, April 2015.

"High Impact Engagement of HSI STEM Undergraduates" Alliance of HSIE Educators (AHSIE), Best Practices Conference, San Antonio, Texas, March 2015.

" Increasing Underrepresented in Nuclear-related Industry: NRC MSIP Year Four Results ", Alliance of HSIE Educators (AHSIE), Best Practices Conference, San Antonio, Texas, March 2015.

"UHD Watershed Wonders: Summer Research Camp—2-Year NOAA Award Program", TCEA State Conference, February 2015.

"UHD Scholars Academy Faculty/Peer Mentoring: Making the Difference in STEM Success ", University of New Mexico Mentoring Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 2014.

" High Impact Engagement of STEM HSI Undergraduates", HACU, Denver, Colorado, October 2014.

"Scholars Academy Innovative Seminar Course Model for Underrepresented Freshmen/New Transfer Undergraduates in Math and Science. PLTL National Conference. LaVerne, California, May 2014.

"Scholars Academy: Innovative Seminar Course Model for Underrepresented Freshman/Transfer Undergraduates in Math and Science", AACU STEM Conference, San Diego, California, October 2013.

"Increasing Underrepresentation in STEM: The Scholars Academy-A Model for Student Success", HACU National Conference, Chicago, Illinois, October 2013.

"Innovative Seminar Course Model for Underrepresented Freshman/New Transfer Undergraduates in Math and Science", Alliance of HSI Educators (AHSIE), Best Practices Conference, Jersey City, New Jersey, March 2013.

"Increasing the Underrepresented in STEM: The Scholars Academy—A Model for Success", College Board Preparate' Conference, Chicago, Illinois, October 2013.

"Service Learning as a Developmental Tool for STEM Leadership", IARSLCE Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, September 2012.

"Scholars Academy: A Model for Supporting Student Success Across STEM through High Impact Experiences and Mentored Research Sciences", HETS Best Practices Showcase, San Juan, Puerto Rico, February 2012.

"The IPOD: Revolutionizing the Notion of Homework", a presenter at the National Consortium of Specialized Schools of Science, Math & Technology (NCSSSMST), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 2008.

"Moodling in the Classroom: Time to Investigate", a presenter at the National Consortium of Specialized Schools of Science, Math & Technology (NCSSSMST), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 2007.

"LiveChats: Using Their Behavior to Your Advantage-Enhancing Virtual Science", a presenter at the Society For Information Technology & Teacher Education,- AACE, San Antonio, Texas, 2007.

"LiveChats: Using Their Behavior to Your Advantage-Enhancing Virtual Science", a presenter at the National Educational Computer Consortium (NECC), 2007.

"LiveChats: Using Their Behavior to Your Advantage-Enhancing Virtual Science", a presenter at the National Consortium of Specialized Schools of Science, Math & Technology (NCSSSMST), Dallas, Texas, March 2006.

"First Class: A Shared Learning Environment Using Centrinity's Classroom Conferencing Capabilities", Presenter at the National Association for Biology Teachers (NABT), Fort Worth, Texas, Oct. 1999.

"A Web-based Shared Science Environment and Academic Behaviors", presenter at the Math/Science Education Technology (M/SET) Conference, San Antonio, Texas, June 1999.

"Contextualizing Web-Based Interactive Learning in Science The Effect of a Shared, Intranet Science Learning Environment on Academic Behaviors", a presenter at the National Educational Computing Conference (NECC), Atlantic City, New Jersey, June 1999. 1999

"Contextualizing Web-based Interactive Learning in Science", a presenter at the Society of Instructional Technology in Education (SITE), San Antonio, Texas, June 1999.

" An Elementary Science Solution for Texas Students", co-presenter at the TASA/TASB State Conference, Houston, Texas, Sept. 2009.

" K-5 Online Science Curriculum", a presenter at the Texas Computer Education Association (TCEA), Austin, Texas, February 2009.

"Using Skype as a Classroom Tool", an accepted presenter at the Texas Computer Education Association (TCEA), Austin, Texas, February 2009.

"Attack the TAKS with", co-presenter at the Texas Association for Curriculum & Development Conference, Galveston, Texas, September 2008.

"Pass the TAKS! K-5 Online Science Curriculum", co-presenter at the Texas State Association of Science Teachers Conference, Dallas, Texas, October 2008.

"The IPOD: Revolutionizing the Notion of Homework", a presenter at the Texas Computer Education Association (TCEA), Austin, Texas, February 2008.

"Moodling in the Classroom: Time to Investigate", a presenter at the Texas Computer Education Association (TCEA), Austin, Texas, February 2008.

"LiveChat Tutorials: Use Their "Surfing Behavior to Your Benefit", a presenter at the Texas Computer Education Association (TCEA), Austin, Texas, February 2007.

"REALMS: An HP Initiative", co-presenter at the Texas Computer Education Association (TCEA), Austin, Texas, February 2006.

"Incorporating Handheld PDAs in the Classroom", a presenter at the Texas Computer Education Association (TCEA), Austin, Texas, February 2002.

"Enriching Science Learning Through Online Collaboration", a presenter at the Texas Computer Education Association (TCEA), Austin, Texas, February 2002.

"Creating an Online Collaborative Science Learning Environment", presented at the Texas Computer Education Association (TCEA), Austin, Texas, February 2001.

"Concept Mapping to Understand: Does Technology Make a Difference?", presenter at the Texas Computer Education Association (TCEA), Austin, Texas, February 2000.

"What Can Web-based Learning in Science Look Like? Threaded Discussions", a presenter at the Texas Computer Education Association (TCEA), Austin, Texas, February 2000.

"The Effect of a Shared, Intranet Science Learning Environment on Academic Behaviors", a presenter at the Texas Computer Education Association (TCEA), Austin, Texas February 1999.

"Mind Altering Ideas: A Review of Constructivism & the Technology of Instruction", a presenter at the Texas Association for Education Technology (TAET), Dallas, Texas, March 1998.

"MS Excel & the Nutrition Project", presented at the Texas Dept. of Public Health Excellence in School Health Awards, San Marcos, Texas, June 1990.

"A Preliminary Examination of the Effect of a Shared, Intranet Science Learning Environment on the Academic Behaviors of Problem-Solving and Metacognitive Reflections", a presenter at the Texas Computer Educator's Association Fall Regional IV Conference, Houston, Texas, September 1998.

"MS Excel Workshop: Infusing Spreadsheets into the Classroom", a presenter at the Texas Computer Educator's Association Fall Regional IV Conference, Houston, Texas, September 1996.


March 2015, NASA EONS MUREP MIRO Grant Proposals - Primary and Reviewer. 3 proposals reviewed.

June 2014. Texas Computer Educators Association Conference. 7 papers reviewed.

June 2014, SACNAS Student Conference Abstracts. 16 abstracts reviewed.

January 2013, Intntl. Science, Engineering & Mathematics Conference. 3 papers reviewed.

March 2012. NARST National Conference Paper Submissions. 6 papers reviewed.

March 2010. Pre-revision review: Andreatta, B. (2004). Navigating the Research University. Cengage Learning. Boston: Massachusetts.


University of Houston-Downtown

"UHD Camp STEM Prep 2016", PI, Texas Workforce Commission Summer Merit Program; 05/01/201 - 08/31/2016; $99,999.

"UHD Research and Career Training Center for Minorities", PI, Texas Workforce Commission/Wagner Peyser; 04/01/2016 - 04/01/2017; $499,000.

"NRC MSIP: Preparing Minorities for Nuclear Employment", PI; Nuclear Regulatory Commission; 06/28/2015 - 10/01/2020; $850,000.

"NRC MSIP HSI/MSI: Increasing Underrepresented in the Nuclear Industry", PI; Nuclear Regulatory Commission; 9/30/10-5/30/16; $450,000.

"NRC Undergraduate Scholarships"; Co-PI; NRC; 3/1/2011-5/30/2013; $200,000

"Watershed Wonders: Environmental Camp"; PI; NOAA; 09/01/2013-08/30/2015; $99,887.

"Modeling Intended STEM Success"; PI; DOED MSEIP; 10/01/2013-09/30/2016; $750,000.

"NRC Community College/TradeSchool Nuclear Prep; PI; NRC; 08/01/2014-07/30/2016; $150,000.

"UHD Camp STEM Prep"; PI; TWC Summer Merit Program; 12/01/2014-08/30/2015; $99,999.

"Training Underrepresented Undergraduates for the STEM Workforce"; PI; Texas Workforce Commission-Wagner Peyser award; 10/01/2012-09/30/2013; $300,000.

Rice University

Other Personnel, "K-5 Training in Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills related to STEM", Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Science Collaborative, $750,000.

Conroe ISD

Project Director, A+ Energy BP Grant, "MEASURE for the Future", June 2008, $10,000.

Project Director, National Girls Collaborative Project Mini Grant, "Taking the NXT Step: Programming Robotics", January 2008, $1,000.

Project Director, National Girls Collaborative Project Mini Grant, "Red Rover, Red Rover: Let the Girls Come Over", June 2008, $1,000.

Project Director, Title IV Safe and Drug Free Funds Grant, "The Power of Influence: Seeing the Fut ure NOW!", April 2008, $700

Project Director, American Association of Physics Teacher Grant, "6th Grade Mentoring: Making Physics Fun", September 2007, $500.

Project Director, South Central Girls Collaborative Project Mini-Grant, "Science Camp: Real-Time Data Collection", January 2006, $1,000.

Project Director, AIAA Foundation Classroom Fund, "Physics and Robotics", September 2006, $200.

Project Director, Conroe ISD Curriculum Grant, "Blending Two Worlds: Integration of Math/Sci Daily Through Technology of LiveChat Tutorials & Real-Time Probeware Data Collection", March 2006, $10,000.

Project Supervisor, HP Technology in Teaching Grant, "Real-time Engagement And Learning in Math & Science", January 2005, $35,000.

Project Director, South Central Girls Collaborative Project Mini-Grant, "6th Grade Girls Mentoring Science Saturdays", March 2005, $1,000.

Project Director, Huntsman Corp. Computer Acquisition Grant, "Re-Purposing Technology", September 2000, 10 PCs used ≈ $5,000.

Project Director, Compaq SCITECH Teacher Innovation Award, "Creating Shared Learning Spaces", April 1999, $3,500.

Project Director, Compaq Innovative Teacher Collaborative Grant, "Integrating Technology in the Biology Classroom", September 1998, 10 new PCs ≈$15,000.

Project Director, Lyondell Computer Acquisition Grant, "Re-Purposing Technology", April 1997, 10 PCs used ≈$5,000.

Project Director, Compaq / Conroe ISD Technology Grant, "The Virtual Lab: Building a Community of Learners", September 1996, $52,000.