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Dr. Lisa Jennings

Dr. Lisa Jennings

Dr. Lisa Jennings

Assistant Professor of EnglishEnglish
OMB S1066


Dr. Lisa Jennings is an Assistant Professor of English, and she has more than 20 years of experience teaching first-year writing and literature. Her scholarship centers on forms of dissent in early modern English poetry as well as Caribbean poetry. Her research interests include early modern English poetry, critical race studies, Spenser, Donne, Shakespeare, Caribbean poetry, and gender and sexuality studies. Her book review of the English sonnet form will be published in Renaissance Quarterly (Spring 2023). She has co-authored an essay on decolonization and Shakespeare with Kate Gillen in the Sundial Journal (2019). And, she was recently invited to present her research on Shakespeare and inclusive pedagogy at the 2022 Shakespeare Association of America (SAA) meeting. Dr. Jennings has also presented her research in refereed international conferences such as SEDERI: The Spanish and Portuguese Society for English Renaissance Studies, The International Conference on Caribbean Literature, and at the Renaissance Society of America. She is currently revising an essay on Spenser's Faerie Queene that examines images of darkness and race to ascertain how Spenser's portrayal of blackness mirrored early modern understandings of the monstrosity of Black skin.