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Dr. Linda Clark

Dr. Linda Clark

Dr. Linda Clark

AdjunctCriminal Justice


Curriculum Vitae

Degrees Earned

Ph.D. University of Houston Political Science
JD Oklahoma City University Criminal Justice

BA University of Oklahoma Journalism/English/Education

Courses Taught

CJ2302 - The Criminal Court System
CJ3301 - Criminology
CJ3304 - Criminal Law
CJ3305 - Criminal Evidence and Procedure
CJ3311 - Ethics in Criminal Justice
CJ3316 - Victimology
CJ3318 - Sex Crimes
CJ3319 - Legal Research
CJ4302 - Organized Crime
CJ4303 - Vice Drugs and the Law
CJ4313 - International Criminal Justice
CJ4307 - Legal Rights of the Convicted

Experience Qualifications

Professional Experience

1998 - present
2013 to present Department head Criminal Justice
WCJC Full time instructor with Wharton County Junior College, subject areas of criminal justice,
government and legal assisting; Appointed Criminal Justice Department Head January 2013
(Courses taught – Introduction to Criminal Justice, Fundamentals of Criminal Law, Legal
Aspects of Law Enforcement, Crime in America, Community Resources in Corrections, Court
Systems and Practices, Supervised law enforcement interns; Government 2301, 2302, 2305,
2306; Introduction to Paralegal Studies, Criminal Law and Procedure, Legal Research, Civil
Law, Legal Writing)

2001 to 2005
Adjunct government instructor, Northwest campus – Houston Community College, (Courses
taught – Government 2301 Constitutions and Government 2302 – Institutions)

2002 to present
Adjunct criminal justice instructor, University of Houston – Downtown (Courses taught – CJ2302
The Criminal Court System, CJ3301 Criminology, CJ3304 Criminal Law, CJ3305 Criminal
Evidence and Procedure, CJ3311 Ethics in Criminal Justice, CJ3316 Victimology, CJ3318 Sex
Crimes, CJ3319 Legal Research, CJ4302 Organized Crime, CJ4303 Vice, Drugs and the Law,
CJ4313 International Criminal Justice, CJ4307 Legal Rights of the Convicted)

1990 – 2002
Guest lecturer at University of Houston Hilton School of Hotel & Restaurant Management in
Business Law-Premises Liability.

1987 - 1988: Teacher Murray State College, Tishomingo, OK
Teaching paralegal courses at college level.
1982 - 1986: Teacher
Southeastern Oklahoma State University, Durant, Oklahoma - Business Communications

More Information

Presentations/Conferences/Professional Activities

  • February 2000 League for Innovations Roundtable Workforce Preparation and Development "Point and Shoot: Internet Courses for a Targeted Workforce Audience" Using faculty input to identify and market to a target audience and using Cyberclass by Hyper graphics, to produce a Web class. Presented with Glenda Hunt.
  • October 2001 Southwestern Association of Criminal Justice annual meeting, "More Bucks, Less Bang" An examination of the influence or lack thereof of immigrant populations on crime in six southwestern states
  • October 2002 Southwestern Association of Criminal Justice annual meeting "Use of Survey Evidence in Criminal Cases: the Evolution of Rules Regarding Admissibility of Hearsay and Expert Testimony
  • Attended international Criminology conference in Paris, France in May 2004
  • President's Lecture Series Speaker's forum Spring 2004 Redistricting in Texas – 1965 voting Rights Act and Its Aftermath History of Voting Rights Act and the Act's Influence on Congressional Redistricting in Texas and Other States
  • August 2009 Presentation to Wharton County Junior College faculty – "Use of Question Sets in Online Testing"
  • Judge – Mock Trial and Moot Court at South Texas College of Law
  • Served on Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board committee in Summer 2013 responsible for rewriting course descriptions and student learning objectives for CRIJ 1301, 1306, 1310, 2313 and 2328.


  • Fall 2009 Article "Do Texans Have a Right to Jury Trial of Not? Politics in America Texas Edition Eighth Edition, Custom Edition for Wharton Junior College Thomas R. Dye, Bartholomew H. Sparrow, L. Tucker Gibson, Jr., Clay Robison Pearson Prentice Hall 2009
  • May 2005 Instructor's manual for Burk Foster's Corrections: The Fundamentals
  • February 2007 Instructor's manual Clifford K. Dorne's Restorative Justice in the United States An Introduction,
  • November 2006 Instructor's Manual, Testbank and Powerpoint Lecture Slides for Profit Without Honor White-Collar Crime and the Looting of America Fourth Addition by Stephen Rosoff, Henry Pontell and Robert Tillman all published by Pearson, Prentice Hall.
  • Dissertation May 2011 HAVE STRICTER LAWS CHANGED DRINKING AND DRIVING BEHAVIOR? Multi-disciplinary study of most populous counties in U.S. (data compiled from 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2008 Crime in the United States and effect of laws attempting to control drunk driving – raising drinking age from 18 to 21, lowering presumptive BAC level and minor DUI statutes.)