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Dr. Laura Cesarco Eglin

Dr. Laura Cesarco Eglin

Dr. Laura Cesarco Eglin

Assistant Professor of Creative Writing - Cultural Enrichment Center Interim DirectorEnglish
OMB S1063


Laura Cesarco Eglin is poet and literary translator from Uruguay. Cesarco Eglin is the author of three collections of poetry and three chapbooks, including Life, One Not Attached to Conditionals (Thirty West Publishing House, 2020) and Reborn in Ink, translated by Catherine Jagoe and Jesse Lee Kercheval (The Word Works, 2019). Her poems, as well as her translations (from the Spanish, Portuguese, Portuñol, and Galician), have appeared in a variety of journals, including Asymptote, Modern Poetry in Translation, Eleven Eleven, Puerto del Sol, Copper Nickel, Spoon River Poetry Review, Arsenic Lobster, International Poetry Review, Tupelo Quarterly, Columbia Poetry Review, Blood Orange Review, Timber, Pretty Owl Poetry, Pilgrimage, Periódico de Poesía, and more. Cesarco Eglin is the translator of Of Death. Minimal Odes by the Brazilian author Hilda Hilst (co•im•press), winner of the 2019 Best Translated Book Award in Poetry. She co-translated from the Portuñol Fabián Severo's Night in the North (Eulalia Books, 2020). She is the co-founding editor and publisher of Veliz Books and teaches creative writing at the University of Houston-Downtown.

Degrees Earned

Ph.D. in Spanish and Portuguese, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2016

M.F.A. in Bilingual Creative Writing, University of Texas at El Paso, 2010

M.A. in English, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2007

B.A. in English, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2002.

Courses Taught

ENG 3309 - Introduction to Creative Writing

ENG 4309 - Advanced Creative Writing
ENG 3332- Literary Magazine Production
ENG 3344 - Workshop in Poetry

Cesarco Eglin has also taught various courses in Bilingual Creative Writing, Creative Writing in Spanish, Latin American Literatures and Cultures, Portuguese, Spanish, and Intercultural Communication Courses.

Experience Qualifications

Cesarco Eglin earned her Ph.D. in Spanish and Portuguese, with a focus on Latin American Literatures, from the University of Colorado at Boulder. She earned her M.F.A. in Bilingual Creative Writing (Poetry) from the University of Texas at El Paso.

Cesarco Eglin hast taught a variety of courses at different universities and colleges across the U.S. in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. She has taught courses in creative writing, intercultural communication, Latin American literatures and cultures, Portuguese, and more.

She has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize twice. Cesarco Eglin is an award-winning literary translator, who translates from the Spanish, Portuguese, Portuñol, and Galician into English. She has also translated poetry from English into Spanish.

Cesarco Eglin has published poetry in Spanish and English, and scholarly work in Spanish, English, and Portuguese. Her scholarly research focuses on 20th and 21st century Latin American (including Brazil) literatures, poetry, and cultures.

She is particularly interested in how texts enter into dialogue with socio-cultural manifestations, beliefs, and artifacts. Since 2015, Cesarco Eglin is the co-founding editor and publisher of the independent literary press Veliz Books.

More Information


Poetry Books

Reborn in Ink / Volver en tinta. Trans. Catherine Jagoe and Jesse Lee Kercheval. The Word Works, 2019

Calling Water by Its Name / Llamar al agua por su nombre. Trans. Scott Spanbauer. Mouthfeel Press, 2016.

Los brazos del saguaro. Yaugurú, 2015.

Sastrería. Yaugurú, 2011.

Poetry Chapbooks

Time/Tiempo: The Idea of Breath, PRESS 254, 2022.

Life, One Not Attached to Conditionals, Thirty West Publishing House, 2020.

Occasions to Call Miracles Appropriate. The Lune, 2015.

Tailor Shop: Threads (co-translated with Teresa Williams). Finishing Line Press, 2013.

Poems in Literary Journals

Janus Head: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature, Continental Philosophy, Phenomenological Psychology, and the Arts, July 2022.


"What I Learned in Galicia"

Spectrum Literary Journal, June 2022. Vol. 65

"Almost Exact"


Figure 1. Issue 6, Spring 2022.

"July 8th"

Voices the la Luna, 2022 Issue.


"Acclimating to Houston"

Thimble Literary Magazine, Winter Issue 2021.



Dopazo Ruibal, Lara. Claus and the Scorpion., 2022. (Translated from the Galician) (forthcoming)

Severo, Fabián. Night up North. Co-trans. with Jesse Lee Kercheval. Eulalia Books, 2020. (Translated from the Portuñol)

Miranda Maloney, M. Las cartas perdidas de Mileva. Yaugurú, 2019. (Translated from English)

Hilst, Hilda. Of Death. Minimal Odes., 2018. (Translated from the Portuguese)

Winner of the 2019 Best Translated Book Award in Poetry.


Cesarco Eglin, Laura. "El tiempo fracturado: la poética del tiempo en la poesía de Ida Vitale." Mis razones: ensayos sobre mujeres poetas del Uruguay. Ed. Virginia Lucas. Biblioteca Nacional Uruguay, 2019: 223-234.

Cesarco Eglin, Laura. "The Past in the Present; the Past in the Self: Juana Bignozzi's Mujer de cierto orden." Dossier: Leituras de Poesia. Revista Gláuks 15.2, 2016. Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Cesarco Eglin, Laura. "Reading, Crime, and Abracadabra: Borges, Reading Practices, and the Kabbalah." Variaciones Borges 39. Pittsburgh, PA: Borges Center, 2015: 59-79.

Cesarco Eglin, Laura. "Vozes e conversas em Kadosh de Hilda Hilst" REVELL: Revista de Estudos Literários da UEMS, Ano 4, v. 1, Temático - Julho 2013. Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.