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Dr. Kristen Capuozzo

Dr. Kristen Capuozzo

Dr. Kristen Capuozzo

Senior Lecturer of PsychologySocial Sciences
OMB N1051


Dr. Capuozzo is a social psychologist with a background in both psychology and law. She began teaching at UHD in 2012 as an adjunct and has since become a full-time lecturer. Dr. Capuozzo teaches a variety of psychology courses, both face-to-face and online.

Degrees Earned

Ph.D., Social Psychology, 2012 University of Houston

M.A. 2008, University of Houston

J.D. 1991, University of Houston Law School

B.S., Psychology, 1988, Texas A&M University

Courses Taught

  • Introduction to Psychology
  • Social Psychology
  • Cognitive Psychology
  • Research Methods
  • Psychology & Law
  • Abnormal Psychology
  • Psychology of Women
  • Child Psychology
  • Adult Psychology
  • Biopsychology

Experience Qualifications

Dr. Capuozzo has a JD as well as a Ph.D. in Social Psychology. Her thesis work was in social cognition, specifically involving investigating cognitive processes underlying stereotyping. Her dissertation addressed specific methodological issues with regard to how social science conducts research on juries, specifically with regard to pre-trial publicity. She also has collaborated on relationship and gender difference research. Dr. Capuozzo is well-qualified to teach both entry-level and upper-level psychology courses. Before teaching at UHD, Dr. Capuozzo taught at UH-Main Campus for 4 years.

Teaching Experience:

2012-present Adjunct then Full-Time Lecturer Psychology, UHD

2013-present Adjunct Lecturer, Psychology (Honors College) UH-Main Campus

2008-2012 Teaching Fellow, Psychology, UH-Main Campus

More Information

Dr. Capuozzo's graduate research focused on social cognition, stereotypes, and jury decision-making, and she has carried that research agenda over to UHD. Her current research focuses on the application of social cognitive concepts within the domain of jury trials.


Tobin, S. J., Capuozzo, K. I., & Raymundo, M. M. (2012). The effects of primed causal uncertainty and causal importance on persuasion, Social Influence, 7(4), 269-284.


Capuozzo, K. (under review). Pretrial publicity and its biasing effects: A review, commentary, and proposed process model.

Capuozzo, K. I, Acitelli, L. K. & Wickham, R. E. (under review). The role of pet closeness in romantic relationships.


Winner, Lecturer of the Year 2014, UHD