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Dr. Krista S. Gehring

Dr. Krista S. Gehring

Dr. Krista S. Gehring

ProfessorCriminal Justice


Curriculum Vitae

Krista S. Gehring, Ph.D., is a Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice and Social Work at the University of Houston Downtown. Her research interests include criminological theory; crime and popular culture, popular criminology; gender-responsive policies, practices, and programs; correctional rehabilitation; risk/needs assessment and classification; and pretrial risk/needs. Her research has led to her consulting with the National Resource Center for Justice Involved Women; her advisement to the National Institute of Corrections; and her facilitation of multiple trainings of criminal justice personnel on how to implement, administer, and use the Women's Risk/Needs Assessment (WRNA) and the Gender Informed Needs Assessment (GINA). She is the writer of the CrimComics series, criminology comic books published by Oxford University Press. Her research has appeared in Criminal Justice and Behavior, Feminist Criminology, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, and the Journal of Criminal Justice Education.

Degrees Earned

University of Cincinnati Ph.D. Criminal Justice 2011

Northeastern University M.S. Criminal Justice 2003

University of Colorado-Boulder B.A. English 1998

Courses Taught

Crime, Law, and Society

The Correctional System

Research Methods in CJ


Crime and Delinquency

Community-Based Corrections

Evidence-Based Corrections

Women and the Criminal Justice System

Issues in Criminal Justice

Advanced Criminology

Correctional Programming

Theory and Philosophy of Punishment

Criminal Justice Project

Thesis I & II

Experience Qualifications

2023-present, Professor, Department of Criminal Justice and Social Work, University of Houston-Downtown

2017-2023, Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Justice and Social Work, University of Houston-Downtown

2012-2017, Assistant Professor, Department of Criminal Justice and Social Work, University of Houston-Downtown

2010-2012, Tenure-Track Instructor, Department of Criminal Justice and Social Work, University of Houston-Downtown

2006-2008, Teaching Assistant, School of Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati Teaching Assistant

2005-2006, Adjunct Instructor, Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology, Metropolitan State College of Denver

2004-2005, Adjunct Instructor, Department of Criminal Justice, University of Northern Colorado

2003-2004, Adjunct Instructor, College of Criminal Justice, Northeastern University

2002-2003, Teaching Assistant, College of Criminal Justice, Northeastern University

More Information

Peer-Reviewed/Refereed Journal Articles

Gehring, K. S. (2023). "'We've got a witchcraft type of murder': The Exorcist, criminal law, and a demonic possession defense." Supernatural Studies.

Gehring, K. S., & Marshall, E. (2022). "Ready player one: Gamification of a criminal justice course." Journal of Criminal Justice Education. doi: 10.1080/10511253.2022.2130383

Gehring, K. S. (2018). A direct test of Pathways Theory. Feminist Criminology, 13, 115-137. doi: 10.1177/1557085116646195.

Vaske, J., Gehring, K. S., & Lovins, B. (2017). Gender differences in the measurement of criminal thinking. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 44, 395-415. doi: 10.1177/0093854816677311.

Gehring, K. S., & Vaske, J. (2017). Out in the open: The impact of intimate partner violence on same-sex and opposite sex victims. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 32, 3669-3692. doi: 10.1177/0886260515600877.

Newsome, J., Vaske, J. C., Gehring, K. S., & Boisvert, D. (2016). Sex differences in sources of resilience and vulnerability to risk for delinquency. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 45, 730-745. doi:10.1007/s10964-015-0381-2.

Gehring, K. S., & Van Voorhis, P. (2014). Needs and pretrial failure: Additional risk factors for female and male pretrial defendants. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 41, 943-968.

Peer-Reviewed/Scholarly Books

Gehring, K. S., Merken, S., Lenning, E., & Dekeseredy, W. (forthcoming). Criminological understandings of horror films. Lexington Books.

Gehring, K. S. (writer), & Batista, M. (artist). (2024). CrimComics: Critical and conflict theories. Oxford University Press. (Published August 2023).

Gehring, K. S. (writer), & Batista, M. (artist). (2023). CrimComics: Labeling theory. Oxford University Press. (Published March 2022).

Gehring, K. S. (writer), & Batista, M. (artist). (2022). CrimComics: Developmental and life-course theories. Oxford University Press. (Published July 2021).

Gehring, K. S. (writer), & Batista, M. (artist). (2022). CrimComics: Psychosocial theories. Oxford University Press. (Published January 2021).

Gehring, K. S. (writer), & Batista, M. (artist). (2021). CrimComics: Social learning theories. Oxford University Press. (Published July 2020).

Gehring, K. S. (writer), & Batista, M. (artist). (2020). CrimComics: Social control theories. Oxford University Press. (Published October 2019).

Gehring, K. S. (writer), & Batista, M. (artist). (2019). CrimComics: Subcultural theories. Oxford University Press. (Published December 2018).

Gehring, K. S. (writer), & Batista, M. (artist). (2019). CrimComics: Anomie and strain theories. Oxford University Press. (Published April 2018).

Gehring, K. S. (writer), & Batista, M. (artist). (2018). CrimComics: Social disorganization theory. Oxford University Press. (Published November 2017).

Gehring, K. S. (writer), & Batista, M. (artist). (2018). CrimComics: Classical and neoclassical criminology. Oxford University Press. (Published January 2017).

Gehring, K. S. (writer), & Batista, M. (artist). (2017). CrimComics: Biology and criminality. Oxford University Press. (Published November 2016).
First Place, College Book Series, New York Book Show, 2018

Gehring, K. S. (writer), & Batista, M. (artist). (2017). CrimComics: Origins of criminology. Oxford University Press. (Published November 2016).
First Place, College Book Series, New York Book Show, 2018


2017, Fall CARES Award: College funds awarded to enable UG student I worked with to travel to ASC conference and present (2017).

2017, Fall Curricular Innovation: Awarded college level funds to incorporate fingerprinting in Criminal Investigations course. Funding for supplies.

2017, Spring Curricular Innovation: Awarded college level funds to incorporate fingerprinting and blood analysis in Criminal Investigations course. Funding for supplies.

2014 University of Houston-Downtown: Graduate Student of the Year Award. Selected as the best graduate student among criminal justice graduate students.