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Dr. Kendra Mhoon

Dr. Kendra Mhoon

Dr. Kendra Mhoon

Associate ProfessorMathematics and Statistics
OMB S751


Originally my educational focus was purely mathematical theory. As my knowledge and experience in academia increased, I became more interested in mathematical applications to the "Real World". When I was introduced to Statistics, I realized, I had found my niche. Using Statistics I have had the opportunity to immerse myself in the transportation industry, the behavioral sciences, and nutrition. While doing research, I have continued to educate others. My philosophy of teaching is based on a belief that learning needs to be student centered and that students need to be equal partners in the learning process. My role involves using my expertise to put the necessary resources in the hands of the students or more likely to be sure that my students are well equipped to find and evaluate the resources they need to answer their questions.

Degrees Earned

  • Ph.D., University of Texas, 2008
  • Master of Science, Texas A&M University, 2001
  • Bachelor of Science, Grinnell College, 1998

More Information


Eisele, WL, Rilett LR, Mhoon KB, Spiegelman C. Using Intelligent Transportation Systems Travel-Time Data for Multimodal Analyses and System Monitoring. In Transportation Research Record 1768. TRB, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 2001, pp. 148-156.

Mhoon KB, Chan W, del Junco D, Vernon SW. A continuous-time Markov
chain approach analyzing the stages of change construct from a health promotion intervention. In JP Journal of Biostatistics. 2010 Volume 3, Number 4.

Research Interest

In teaching, my overarching goal is to develop a student-centered environment. I want students to actively participate, rather than passively learn. When planning a course of instruction, I identify a set of objectives and skills. Next, I compile a rationale for each objective and skill. I design a course plan that emphasizes the application of critical thinking skills to foster deep learning, and the use of collaborative learning skills to facilitate "real-world" problem solving. I also embed activities in the instructional process that are designed to help students develop research and writing skills—readily transferable across disciplines—as they engage in learning of content material.

Throughout the teaching and learning process, I incorporate multiple choices and pathways through the learning materials. I encourage students to engage in open-ended formative and summative evaluation of the course (what's working, what's not). I also ask students to self-evaluate individual progress. Finally, my course design includes a data-driven evaluation component, which focuses on systematic outcomes and results that are clearly tied to course goals and objectives.

In research, my interest is in the utility of linear mixed models and Markov modeling in analyzing medical and behavioral intervention data with an emphasis on multiple time points.


Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (PA-05-015)
Grant Number: R01CA112223
Center for Health Promotion and Prevention Research
University of Texas School of Public Health, Houston, TX
September 2009 - July 2011