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Dr. Julio Canedo Soto

Dr. Julio Canedo Soto

Dr. Julio Canedo Soto

Associate ProfessorManagement
SSB B432


Discipline: Management

Degrees Earned

Ph.D. in Business (Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management)

Courses Taught

Human Resource Management (HRM). E.g., strategic HRM, HRM, recruiting, selecting, training, performance management, talent management, electronic HRM.

Organizational Behavior (OB). E.g., leadership, role taking, employee-employer relationships, cross cultural issues, motivation, job attitudes, change and development, job design, diversity, individual differences, groups and teams, organizational justice, decision making.

Experience Qualifications

Business and Professional Experience:

2015 - To date: Assistant professor of management. University of Houston-Downtown and Consultant in Strategic HRM.
2013 - 2015: Assistant professor of management. Northern Michigan University.
2009 - 2013: Graduate Research Assistant and Instructor of Management. University of Texas at San Antonio.
2006 - 2009: Associate Director for Human Resources. Monterrey Tech.
2005 - 2006: Director of Institutional Effectiveness. Monterrey Tech.
2002 - 2005: Director of Continuous Education and Human Resources. Monterrey Tech.
2001 - 2002: Human Resources Manager. Monterrey Tech.
1999 - 2001: Bookstore Director. Monterrey Tech.
1995 - 1999: Coordinator of Student Affairs. Monterrey Tech.
1994: Software Engineer. SoftTek and Mexican Institute of Social Security.

Organizations/Community Experience:

2015 - To date: Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.
2010 - To date: Academy of Management and Southern Management Association.
2014 - 2015: Midwest Academy of Management.
2006 - 2009: Association of Industrial Relations Executives (ERIAC). Monterrey, México.
2006 - 2009: College and University Professional Association for Human Resources (CUPA-HR).
1999 - 2001: National Association of College Stores (NACS).
1995 - 1999: Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education (NASPA).

More Information

Special Certifications/Licenses:

Human Resource Management.

Research and Creative Interests:

Cross-cultural issues in HRM and OB, leadership, strategic HRM, role taking, performance, and social issues in OB and HRM.