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Dr. Joseph Kamto

Dr. Joseph Kamto

Dr. Joseph Kamto

LecturerComputer Science and Engineering Technology
OMB N614-N


Joseph earned his Masters' degree and his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering respectively in 2008 and 2014 from Prairie View A&M University.

His Masters research was to develop a secure anonymous routing in wireless communication mesh network and his Ph.D. research topic was to defend smart grid against cyber-attack, providing end-to-end confidential power demand aggregation in near real time for power production-demand balance and end-user accountability for Advance Metering Infrastructure (AMI) with consideration to the power system resiliency and end-user power demand privacy to promote the trustworthiness of the smart grid.

During his Ph.D. study, he involved and performed well in variety of Electrical Engineering courses/projects and developed a decent knowledge of power systems analysis that he combined with his communication security background to gain substantial experience on cyber-security in AMI part of the future smart grid cyber physical system, resulting in high-quality peer-reviewed publications. He was HBGI Fellowship recipient and 2013 outstanding Ph.D. student, College of Engineering, PVAMU.

Joseph has been teaching electrical and computer engineering and computer sciences courses since 2015 as adjunct instructor and visiting assistant professor at HCC, UTTYLER and TSU until Fall 2020 when he joined UHD as a Lecturer at the CSET. Prior to that he worked as electrical/instrumentation engineer at Technip FMC as well as intern engineer scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory where he participated in the development of the elpasolite handheld radiation detector, designing a friendly graphical user interface using LabVIEW software resulting in a journal publication.

Degrees Earned

  • Ph.D. Electrical and Computer Engineering, Prairie View A&M University, Texas USA
  • Master of Science Electrical and Computer Engineering, Prairie View A&M University, Texas USA

  • Bachelor of Sciences in Electromechanical engineering, Polytechnic Engineering School, University of Yaounde Cameroon

Courses Taught


CS 1410 - Introduction to Computer Science with C++

CS 1311 - Introduction to Computer Science with Python

CS 2301 - Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture

EET 1411 - Electric Circuits Analysis with Laboratories
EET 3334 - Electrical Power Systems


EENG 4316 - Digital Control Systems

EENG 4308 - Automatic Control Systems

EENG 5301 - Wireless Communication Networks and Systems (Special Topic)

EENG 4306 - Microelectronics

EENG 4312 - Communication Theory

EENG 4332 - Digital Systems

EENG 4335 - Linear Circuits Analysis


ELET 133 - AC Circuits Analysis

ELET 431 - Microprocessor Interfacing/ Interfacing Lab

ELET 131 - Direct Current Circuits/ DC Circuits Lab

ELET 114 - Electronic Circuits Lab

ELET 215 - Digital Systems Lab

ECE 438 - Power Systems Analysis

ECE 438 - Power Systems Analysis Lab (ETAP Software)

ECE 431 - Computer Network Security (Special Topic)

ECE 440 - Senior Electronic Design

ECE 441 - Senior Electrical Design

CMET 432 - Senior Computer Design

CMET 415 - Advanced Microcomputer Network Lab

CMET 417 - Data Communication Methods Lab

CS 116 - Introduction to Computers & their Applications I

CS 117 - Introduction to Computers & Problems Solving (Programming C++)


ENGR 1201 - Introduction to Engineering

ENGR 1204 - Engineering Graphics

ENGR 2302 - Engineering Dynamics

Experience Qualifications

  • Fall 2020 - present Faculty at University of Houston-Downtown Computer Sciences and Engineering Technology
  • Spring 2015 - Spring 2019 Faculty University of Texas at Tyler Department of Electrical Engineering
  • Fall 2016 - Spring 2019 Faculty Texas Southern University Department of Engineering
  • June 2013 - August 2013 Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico USA.
  • Internship Engineer Project for DTRA
  • June 2008 - Dec. 2010 Electrical/Instrumentation Engineer Technip FMC, Houston Texas, USA.

More Information

Cyber-security, Power systems, Communication systems, Machine/Deep learning, Computer vision, State-of-art visual recognition systems.