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Dr. Jonathan Davis

Dr. Jonathan Davis

Dr. Jonathan Davis

Dean, Marilyn Davies College of Business
SSB B400


Discipline: Supply Chain Management

Jonathan Davis holds degrees in Journalism, Operations, and Industrial Technology, and has an academic focus on process, projects, and education. Typical courses include Logistics Management, Supply Chain Analytics, Materials Management, Project Management, and Operations Management. Dr. Davis is active in course and curriculum development, and works with students and industry to create research papers, case studies, and new curriculum for Supply Chain Management education.

Degrees Earned

Ph.D. in Industrial Technology, Purdue University

Courses Taught

Decision Modeling
Project Management

Experience Qualifications

Business and Professional Experience:

Technical Writer
Production Manager
Analytics Developer
Logistics Consultant

Organizations/Community Experience:

Institute for Supply Management (ISM)

More Information

Dr. Davis' research interests include project and supplier selection, simulation, quantitative decision-making, and education technology.

Research and Creative Interests:

Institute for Supply Management (ISM)