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Dr. Johanna Schmertz

Dr. Johanna Schmertz

Dr. Johanna Schmertz

Professor of EnglishEnglish
OMB S1041


Johanna Schmertz teaches courses in writing, film, and gender studies. Her Ph.D. dissertation in English forged connections between film and writing pedagogy, and her Ph.D. qualifying exams included the areas of gender studies, rhetoric, and feminist theory. She has published on film, pedagogy, and rhetoric, using theories of gender performativity as her theoretical framework, and has presented at a wide range of conferences. She recently received two internal grants to do archival work on gender in early cinema, and has received a faculty development leave to complete a set of articles on gender in early cinema.

Degrees Earned

Ph.D., Texas A&M University-Commerce, 2000

Courses Taught

  • AS 1301: American Studies (3 courses; f2f)
  • Rdg 1300: Fundamentals of Reading (3 classes; f2f)
  • Eng 1300: Fundamentals of English (5 classes; f2f)
  • Eng 1301: Composition I (5 classes; f2f and online)
  • Eng 1302: Composition II (13 classes)
  • Eng 2313: Survey of British Literature to 1800 (1 class; f2f)
  • Eng 2309: Survey of Film (12 classes; f2f and online)
  • Eng 3305: Essay Writing (4 classes; online)
  • Film 3354: Introduction to Film (2 classes; f2f)
  • Film 3356: Early Cinema (6 classes; f2f and online)
  • Eng 3350: Gender Studies in Literature (2 class; f2f and online)
  • Eng 4350: Advanced Gender Studies (4 classes; f2f and online)
  • Eng 6327: Studies in Literacy (1 class; hybrid)

Experience Qualifications

Dr. Johanna Schmertz teaches courses in writing, film, and gender studies. Her Ph.D. dissertation entitled "Reframing Writing Pedagogy Through Film" forged connections between film and writing pedagogy, and her Ph.D. qualifying exams included the areas of gender studies, rhetoric, and feminist theory. She has published on film, pedagogy, and rhetoric, using theories of gender performativity as her theoretical framework, and has presented at a wide range of conferences. She recently received two internal grants to do archival work on gender in early cinema. This set of qualifications prepared her to teach courses in early cinema (ENG 3356); advanced gender studies (ENG 4350); composition (ENG 1302); essay writing (ENG 3305); and survey of cinema (ENG 2309).

Academic Scholarship

:•"The Leatrice Joy Bob: The Clinging Vine and Gender's Cutting Edge." Researching Women in Silent Cinema: New Findings and Perspectives. Ed. Monica Dell'Asta, Victoria Duckett, and LuciaTralli. Alma Mater Studiorum, Universita di Bologna, 2013. 401-414.

•"A Scholarly Project: Film as an Introductory Academic Literacy." Lead article in The Journal of Teaching Writing 24.1 (2008): 1-19.

•"Movies of the Reader's Mind: Re-Mediating Interpretation with Film." Modern Language Studies 36.2 (2007): 88-104.

•"Constructing Essences: Ethos and the Postmodern Subject of Feminism." Rhetoric Review 18.1 (1999): 82-92.

More Information

Research Interest

Reading and writing pedagogy, rhetoric, film studies, gender studies


"A Scholarly Project: Film as an Introductory Academic Literacy." Journal of Teaching Writing 24.1 (2008): 1-19

"Movies of The Reader's Mind: Re-Mediating Interpretation with Film." Modern Language Studies 36.1 (2007): 88-104.

"Exploring Ambiguity and Intention: Higher Learning." Pedagogy 6.1 (2006) 123-127.

"Identity Wars: 'Passing' Through the Lit/Comp Gap." Reader: Essays in Reader-Oriented Theory, Criticism, and Pedagogy 47 (Fall 2002): 61-82.

"Constructing Essences: Ethos and the Postmodern Subject of Feminism." Rhetoric Review 18.1 (1999): 82-92.

"Reading Multiculturally and Rhetorically: Higher Learning in the Composition Classroom." Co-author Annette Trefzer. Cinema-(to)-Graphy: Film and Writing in Contemporary Composition Courses. Ed. Ellen Bishop. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann/Boynton-Cook, 1999. 85-99.

Rev. of Viewing Positions: Ways of Seeing Film, ed. Linda Williams. Postscript: A Journal of Film and the Humanities 16.3 (1997): 65-67.

"On Reading the Politics of Total Recall." Postscript: A Journal of Film and the Humanities 12.3 (1993): 35-43.

"Performativity, Pedagogy, and Politics: Rereading Academic Discourse Through Judith Butler." (current project)

"Textual Intervention and Film Literacy." Special issue on "The 'Arts' in 'Language Arts.'" English Journal 105.5 (2016): 48-52.

"The Leatrice Joy Bob: The Clinging Vine and Gender's Cutting Edge." Researching Women in Silent Cinema: New Findings and Perspectives. Ed. Monica Dell'Asta, Victoria Duckett, and Lucia Tralli. Alma Mater Studiorum, Universita di Bologna, 2013. 401-414.

"The Leatrice Joy Bob: The Clinging Vine and Gender's Cutting Edge." Researching Women in Silent Cinema: New Findings and Perspectives. Ed. Monica Dell'Asta, Victoria Duckett, and Lucia Tralli. Alma Mater Studiorum, Universita di Bologna, 2013. 401-414.