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Dr. Jianling Xie

Dr. Jianling Xie

Dr. Jianling Xie

Assistant Professor of PsychologySocial Sciences
OMB N1050


Dr. Jianling Xie became an Assistant Professor in Psychology at UHD in 2023, after working as an Instructor of Educational Psychology at Mississippi State University. She primarily teaches statistics and research methods in social sciences. Her research unites two strands of significant educational inquiry: (a) the development of motivational processes associated with learning and academic outcomes in school settings; (b) functions of affect for motivation and achievement (e.g., the effect of boredom on students' academic agency).

Degrees Earned

Ph.D., Mississippi State University, Educational Psychology

M.A., Nanchang University, English

B.A., Jiangxi Agricultural University, English

Courses Taught

  • PSY 2317 Statistical Methods in Psychology
  • PSY 3302 Educational Psychology
  • PSY 3320 Research Methods in Psychology
  • PSY 4395 Research Experience in Psychology

Experience Qualifications

Selected Publications

(* denotes student coauthor)

*Cobb, C., Xie, J., Gallo, K., *Boyd, M., *Wilkins, M., * Wadsworth, M., *Brake, L. (2023). Protective factors contributing to academic resilience in college students during COVID-19. American Journal of Distance Education.

Xie, J., Xu, J., Wei, T., Gallo, K., *Giles, M., Zhan, Y., Zeng, Y., Huang, X., & Liu, X. (2022). Contributing factors, attribution, and coping in academic boredom: An exploratory case study of graduate students in education. 33(3), 99-113. Adult Learning.

Xie, J., Wei, T., Zhan, Y., Zeng, Y., Huang, X., Liu, X., & Gallo, K. (2021). Learner perceptions of demotivators in the EFL classroom: Conceptual framework and scale development. The Journal of Asia TEFL, 18(4), 1302-1323.

Xu, J., Du, J., Wang, C., Liu, F., Huang, B., Zhang, M., & Xie, J. (2020). Intrinsic motivation, favorability, time management, and achievement: A cross-lagged panel analysis. Learning and Motivation, 72, 101677.

Xie, J., Wei, T., Zeng, Y., Lobsenz, J., & Chen, X. (2018). Learner perceptions of demotivator in the EFL classroom: Experiences of failure on learning outcomes. The Journal of Asia TEFL, 15, 491-501.

More Information

Selected Grant Activities

Xie, J., & Gallo, K. (2023). Motivation, Attribution, and Coping in Academic Boredom: The Comparison between Traditional and Nontraditional Students. Office of Organized Research and Creative Activities, University of Houston-Downtown. Principal Investigator. Pending

Gallo, K., Xie, J., & Doherty, P.* (2022). Development and Investigation of Psychometric Properties of the Scientific Writing/Thinking Self-Efficacy Scale: Study 2. ORED Undergraduate Research Program, Office of Research and Economic Development, Mississippi State University. Principal Co-Investigator. Amount Funded $2,000.

Gallo, K., Xie, J., & Doherty, P.* (2021). Development and Investigation of Psychometric Properties of the Scientific Writing/Thinking Self-Efficacy Scale: Study 1. ORED Undergraduate Research Program, Office of Research and Economic Development, Mississippi State University. Principal Co-Investigator. Amount Funded $3,000.