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Dr. Jean Bernard Nganou

Dr. Jean Bernard Nganou

Dr. Jean Bernard Nganou

Assistant ProfessorMathematics and Statistics
OMB S762


My interest in teaching Mathematics began when I was about to enter College. After my Master degree, I taught High school Mathematics for two years before leaving for pre-Ph.D. diploma in Italy. After the diploma, I entered graduate school at New Mexico State University, where I earned by doctorate in Mathematics. I enjoy teaching Mathematics, especially algebra related courses. I also love collaborating in doing Mathematical research, whether it is with my students or with my colleagues.

Degrees Earned

Ph.D. in Mathematics, New Mexico State University

Masters in Mathematics, University of Yaounde 1

Diploma in Mathematics, ICTP, Trieste, Italy

Bachelor's in Mathematics, University of Yaounde 1

Experience Qualifications

My primary and current research work are in the general spirit of algebras of logic, universal algebras, non-classical algebras, the non-classical logic including fuzzy algebra, fuzzy logic, hyperstructures, and applications. My secondary area of interest on division algebras and the Brauer groups. It has been and continues to be my goal to introduce undergraduate students to Mathematical research. I strongly believe that doing so will stimulate more desire in students to study Mathematics.

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Academic Interest

My primary and current research work is in the general spirit of algebras of logic, universal algebras, non-classical algebras, the non-classical logic including fuzzy algebra, fuzzy logic, hyper structures, and applications. My secondary area of interest on division algebras and the Brauer groups. It has been and continue to be my goal to introduce undergraduate students to Mathematical research. I strongly believe that doing so will stimulate more desire in students to study Mathematics.


Stone MV-algebras and strongly complete MV-algebras, Algebra Univers. (2017) .
Converse of Lagrange's theorem (CLT) numbers under 1000, Int. J. Group. Th, (2017)
(with C. Lele) The Chang-Mundici ℓ-group of a BL-algebra, Houston J. Math,(2016)
Profinite MV-algebras and multisets., Order (2015)
(with O Heubo) Invertible elements in BCK-algebras, Italian J. Pure Appl. Math (2014)
(with C. Lele) MV-algebras derived from ideals in BL-algebras, Fuzzy set and syt (2013).
How rare are subgroups of index 2? Math. Mag. (2012)
On the Dec group of finite abelian Galois extensions over global fields, J. Algebra (2009)


OVP Diversity Summer research grant $5,000 (2014-2016)