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Dr. Jason Caro

Dr. Jason Caro

Dr. Jason Caro

Associate Professor of Political ScienceSocial Sciences
OMB N1048


Jason Caro is a native Texan and first graduated from the University of Texas system. Concerns over the politics of hunger led to the study of the African Horn at UCLA where he completed his Masters degree. Jason continued his studies at the University of Chicago completing his Masters thesis on the correlation between guerrilla victory in Africa and democratization. Jason returned to UCLA to complete his doctorate in political science. Along the way, Jason has worked as an educator in community colleges and refined standardized tests for school districts around the country. Jason also oversees blogs that provide forecasts or serve as an open information source on public ethics.

Courses Taught

  • POLS 3313 Introduction to Political Theory
  • POLS 4320 Political Theory: Ancient-Medieval
  • POLS 3300 Ethics in Public Life
  • POLS 2306 Introduction to Texas Government
  • POLS 2302 Introduction to United States Government
  • POLS 4399 Political Science Capstone

More Information

Jason's research interests center upon political theory,including the pragmatics of liberty and Continental and postmodern thought. There are two tracks in his research: the improvement of political ideals and the history of political thought. He is completing a book about revitalizing civility. He has addressed pressing political questions in outlets ranging from Political Theory and Political Studies to Philosophy and Social Criticism and the Encyclopedia of Political Thought. In those outlets, and in numerous conferences, Jason has published on Hegel, Nietzsche, Irigaray, and Levinas.


The Origins of Free Peoples, (New York: Continuum International, 2011).

"Kingship," Encyclopedia of Political Thought (New York: Wiley, 2015).

"Levinas and the Palestinians," Philosophy and Social Criticism, 35, No. 6 (2009): 671-684.


UCLA 1996 Dissertation Year Fellowship Award