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Dr. Heather Honore Goltz

Dr. Heather Honore Goltz

Dr. Heather Honore Goltz

ProfessorSocial Work
CSB C345


Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Heather Honoré Goltz serves as Interim Assistant Chair of the Department of Criminal Justice and Social Work, is an Professor of Social Work at the University of Houston-Downtown, an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Infectious Diseases at Baylor College of Medicine, and a Research Investigator at the Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center. She is a licensed master social worker and doctoral-level health educator with over a decade of experience developing and implementing clinical interventions to improve quality of life and health outcomes of patients and caregivers impacted by complex medical and behavioral health conditions. She earned a B.S. in Biology (Scientific Inquiry concentration) from the Louisiana Scholars' College at Northwestern State University and a M.S.W. (Mental Health concentration) and M.Ed. (Curriculum & Instruction-Teaching) from the University of Houston. She earned a Ph.D. in Health Education from Texas A&M University prior to completing post-doctoral fellowships at the Michael E. DeBakey VAMC and Baylor College of Medicine. Dr. Goltz has co-authored almost 30 peer-reviewed articles, primarily focusing on aspects of genitourinary cancer survivorship and sexual health. She has also co-authored or collaborated on a number of research studies funded by the American Cancer Society, NIH, DOD, and VA.

Degrees Earned

Ph.D. Health Education

Texas A&M University

M.S.W. Social Work (Mental Health concentration)

University of Houston

M.Ed. Curriculum and Instruction - Teaching (emphasis in the Health Sciences)

University of Houston

B.S. Biology (Scientific Inquiry concentration)
Louisiana Scholars' College

Northwestern State University

Courses Taught

SOCW 2361 Introduction to Social Work & Social Welfare
SOCW 2363 Introduction to Social Welfare Policy
SOCW 3311 Urban Practice I
SOCW 3312 Urban Practice II
SOCW 3313 Case Management

SOCW 3350 Research Methods in Social Work

SOCW 3351 Statistical and Qualitative Data Analysis for Social Work

SOCW 3361 Human Behavior in the Social Environment I
SOCW 3362 Human Behavior in the Social Environment II
SOCW 3364 Social Justice and Professional Ethics
SOCW 4331 Urban Community Organizing
SOCW 4390 Special Topics: Patient Navigation
SOCW 4390/SOCW 4334 Health Disparities in America

SOCW 4399 Directed Study in Social Work
SOCW 4502 Field Practicum II

Experience Qualifications


Mohamed, N.E., Chumpa, H., Hossain, J., Bolbolian, T., Shah, Q.N., Ballard, A., Mehrazin, R., Benn, E., Goltz, H.H., Latini, D., Katari, V., & Tewari, A. (2018). A qualitative study on patients' decisions about active surveillance for low risk prostate cancer: Examining patient and provider perspectives. Journal of Urology and Renal Diseases.

Acosta, S., Garza, T., Hsu, H-Y., Goltz, H., & Goodson, P. (2018). A case study of novice bilingual education teachers conducting action research and diffusing teaching innovations.Urban Education.

Leung, T-M., Benn, E.K.T., Galsky, M., Latini, D.M., Goltz, H.H., Lee, C.T., Quale, D.Z., Jensen, B.T., Girgis, A., Given, B.A., & Mohamed, N.E. (2017). Examining the psychometric properties of the bladder cancer needs assessment survey. JOJ Urology and Nephrology, 4(1).

Bergman, M., Goodson, P., & Goltz, H.(2017). Exploring genetic numeracy skills in sample of U.S. university students. Frontiers in Public Health.

Bergeron, C.D., Goltz, H.H., Szucs, L., Reyes, J.V., Wilson, K.L., Ory, M.G., & Smith, M.L. (2017). Exploring sexual behaviors and health communication among older women. Global Health Issues of Aging Women special issue, Health Care for Women International, 11, 1-17. doi: 10.1080/07399332.2017.1329308 (2015 Impact Factor: 1.20)

Bergeron, C.D., Ory, M.G., Goltz, H.H., Towne, S.D., Ahn, S., Mier, N., & Smith, M.L. (2017). Preferred health information sources: An examination of vulnerable middle-aged and older women. Special Issue on Innovative Practices to Eliminate Health Disparities, Journal of Family Strengths, 17(1), Article 8.

Smith, M.L., Goltz, H. H., Motlagh, A., Ahn, S., & Ory, M.G. (2016). Correlates of CVD and discussing sexual issues with physicians among male military Veterans. Maturitas, 92, 168-175. (2015 Impact Factor: 3.12)

Mohamed, N.E., Pisipati, S., Lee, C.T., Goltz, H.H., Latini, D.M., Gilbert, F.S., Wittmann, D., Mehrazin, R., Sfakianos, J., McWilliams, G., Quale, D.Z., & Hall, S.J. (2016). Unmet informational and supportive care needs of patients following cystectomy for bladder cancer based on age, gender, and treatment choices: A mixed methods analysis. Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations. doi: 10.1016/j.urolonc.2016.06.010 (2015 Impact Factor: 2.921)

Goltz, H., Bergman, M., & Goodson, P. (2016). Explanatory models of genetics and genetic risk among a group of undergraduate students. Frontiers in Public Health.

Campbell, S., Goltz, H., Njue, S., & Dang, B. (2016). Exploring the reality of using patient experience data to provide resident feedback: a qualitative study of attending physician perspectives. The Permanente Journal, 20(3), 15-154.

Amiel, G.E., Goltz, H.H., Wenker, E.P., Kauth, M.R., Hart, T.L., & Latini, D.M. (2015). Gay men and prostate cancer: Opportunities to improve HRQOL and access to care. (In R. Elk & U. Boehmer (Eds.) Cancer and the LGBT Community: Unique Perspectives from Risk to Survivorship). Netherlands: Springer.

Goltz, H.H., Kowalkowski, M. A., Chen, G.J., & Latini, D.M. (2015). Impact of health services on compliance and outcomes. (In Bladder Cancer: Diagnosis and Clinical Management, S. Lerner, C. Stenberg, & M. Schoenberg, Eds.). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.

Goltz, H., & Acosta, S. (2015). A rare family: Exploring genetic literacy in an online genetic support group. Journal of Family Strengths, 15(2), Article 6.

Acosta, S., Goltz, H. H., & Goodson, P. (2015). Autoethnography in action research for health education practitioners. Action Research Journal. doi:10.1177/1476750315573589 (2012 Impact Factor: 0.815)

Goltz, H., & Smith, M.L. (2014). Forming and developing your professional identity: Easy as PI. Health Promotion Practice. doi: 10.1177/1524839914541279 (SJR Score: 0.550)

Hart, S.L., Coon, D.W., Kowalkowski, M.A., Zhang, K., Hersom, J.I., Goltz, H.H., Wittman, D.A., & Latini, D.M. (2014). Changes in sexual roles and quality of life for Gay men after prostate cancer: Challenges for sexual health providers. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 11, 2308-2317. doi:10.1111/jsm.12598 (2012 Impact Factor: 3.513)

Kowalkowski, M. A., Goltz, H.H., Petersen, N.J., Amiel, G.E., Lerner, S.P., & Latini, D.M. (2014). Educational opportunities in bladder cancer: Increasing cystoscopic adherence and the availability of smoking cessation programs. Journal of Cancer Education, 29(4), 739-745. doi:10.1007/s13187-014-0649-3 (2012 Impact Factor: 0.880)

Acosta, S., & Goltz, H.H. (2014). Transforming practices: A primer on action research. Health Promotion Practice, 15(4), 465-470. doi: 10.1177/1524839914527591 (SJR Score: 0.550)

Kowalkowski, M. A., Chandrashekar, A., Amiel, G.E., Lerner, S.P., Wittmann, D.A., Latini, D.M., & Goltz, H.H. (2014). Examining sexual dysfunction in non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer: Results of cross-sectional mixed-methods research. Sexual Medicine, 2(3), 141-151. doi:10.1002/sm2.24. PMID: 25356311

Goltz, H.H., Mena, K.C., & Swank, P.R. (2014). Using growth curve analysis to examine challenges in instrumentation in longitudinal measurement in home visiting. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 11, 127-138. doi:10.1080/15433714.2013.845025 (Scopus h-index: 7)

Vij, A., Kowalkowski, M.A., Hart, S.L., Goltz, H.H., Hoffman, D.J., Knight, S.J., Carol, P.R., & Latini, D.M. (2013). Symptom-management strategies for men with early-stage prostate cancer: Results from the Prostate Cancer Patient Education Program (PCPEP). Journal of Cancer Education, 28(4), 755-761. doi: 10.1007/s13187-013-0538-1 (2012 Impact Factor: 0.880)

Helmer, D.A., Beaulieu, G.R. Houlette, C.D., Latini, D.M., Goltz, H.H., Etienne, S., & Kauth, M. (2013). Assessment and documentation of sexual health issues of recent combat veterans seeking VHA care. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 10(4), 1065-1073. doi: 10.1111/jsm.12084 (2012 Impact Factor: 3.513)

Hosain, G.M.M., Latini, D.M., Kauth, M., Goltz, H.H., & Helmer, D.A. (2013). Racial differences in sexual dysfunction among post-deployed Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. American Journal of Men's Health, 7(5), 374-381. doi: 10.1177/1557988312471842 (2012 Impact Factor: 0.897)

Hosain, G.M.M., Latini, D.M., Kauth, M., Goltz, H.H., & Helmer, D.A. (2013). Sexual dysfunction among male veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan: Prevalence and correlates. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 10(2), 516-523. doi: 10.1111/j.1743-6109.2012.02978.x (2012 Impact Factor: 3.513)

Mohamed, N.E., Diefenbach, M.A., Goltz, H.H., Lee, C.T., Latini, D.M., Kowalkowski, M.A., Philips, C., Hassan, W., & Hall, S.J. (2012). Muscle invasive bladder cancer: From diagnosis to survivorship. Advances in Urology. (Scopus h-index: 7)

Goltz, H.H., Coon, D.W., Catania, J.A., & Latini, D.M. (2012). A pilot study of HIV/STI risk among gay men using erectile dysfunction medications: Challenges and opportunities for sexual medicine physicians. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 9, 3189-3197. doi: 10.1111/j.1743-6109.2012.02943.x (2012 Impact Factor: 3.513)

Smith, M.L., & Goltz, H. H. (2012). What is hidden in my data? Practical strategies to reveal Yule-Simpson's Paradox and strengthen research quality in health education research. Health Promotion Practice, 13(5), 637-641. doi: 10.1177/1524839911419290 (SJR Score: 0.550)

Smith, M.L., Goltz, H. H., Ahn, S., Dickerson, J., & Ory, M.G. (2012). Correlates of chronic disease and patient-provider discussions among middle-aged and older adult males: Associations with sexual dysfunction. The Aging Male, 15(3), 115-123. doi: 10.3109/13685538.2011.641184 (2012 Impact Factor: 1.711)

More Information

Finalist, Jimmy D. Long, Sr., Louisiana Scholars' College Distinguished Alumni Award, Northwestern State University, 2018

Finalist, Faculty Excellence in Scholarly/Creative Activity Award, University of Houston-Downtown, 2016

Conference Scholarship to attend 31st Annual Association of Oncology Social Work Meeting, 2015 (one of five)

Nominee, Faculty Excellence in Scholarly/Creative Activity Award, University of Houston-Downtown, 2014

Advisor Recognition— Honorable Mention, Office of Student Activities, University of Houston-Downtown, 2013

Trainee, Behavioral and Social Science Volunteer (BSSV) Training Program, SocioEconomic Status Related Cancer Disparities Program (SESRCD), American Psychological Association, 2012.

Nominee. Erickson Foundation Award, 139th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Washington, DC. (Authorship: Smith, Goltz, Ahn, Dickerson, & Ory), 2011