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Dr. Dinah Cohen

Dr. Dinah Cohen

Dr. Dinah Cohen

Associate Professor of MarketingGeneral Business, Marketing, and Supply Chain Management
SSB B463


Dr. Dinah Cohen is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at The University of Houston-Downtown. She earned her Ph.D. in Business Administration (Marketing) from Duke University. Dr. Cohen's research interests include digital goods, product co-creation, pricing, and competitive strategy. Her work has appeared in various academic journals including Marketing Science and Management Science, and she has presented at numerous refereed national and international conferences.

When she joined MDCOB in 2019, Dr. Cohen brought over 10 years of experience in teaching MBA and undergraduate business students. She considers teaching to be a vital and fulfilling part of her academic career. Dr. Cohen is committed to sharing her expertise, contributing to the intellectual growth of students, and guiding students towards becoming better managers, making more rational decisions, and succeeding in the business world outside of school. Her teaching interests include digital and social media marketing, analytics, and decision modeling.

Prior to academia, Dr. Cohen worked in the software industry, where she managed product development and direct corporate sales.

Degrees Earned

Ph.D. in Business Administration (Marketing), Duke University, NC, USA

M.S. in Applied Mathematics, Ulyanovsk State University, Russia

M.A. in Linguistics and International Communications, Ulyanovsk State University, Russia

Courses Taught

Digital Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Understanding Digital Consumer

Mobil, Web, and Email Marketing

Personal Selling

Integrated Marketing Communications

Customer Relationship Management

Data Driven Operations

Decision Models

New Products

More Information

Cohen-Vernik, D.A., Yang, L., Pazgal A., 2022. "Strategic Delegation with Differentiated Products." Customer Needs and Solutions, Volume 9.

Cohen-Vernik, D. A., Syam N., Pazgal A., 2019. "Competing with Co-Created Products." International Journal of Research in Marketing, Volume 36(1)

Cohen-Vernik, D. A., Pazgal, A., 2017. "Price Adjustment Policy with Partial Refunds". Journal of Retailing, Volume 93(4)

Cohen-Vernik, D. A., Purohit, D., 2014. "Turn-and-Earn Incentives with a Product line." Management Science, Volume 60(2)

Vernik, D. A., Purohit D., Desai P., 2011. "Digital Music Set Free: The Flip-Side of DRM." Marketing Science, Volume 30(6)

Keeney, R., Vernik, D., 2007. "Analysis of the Biological Clock Decision." Decision Analysis, Volume 4(3)