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Dr. Dexter Cahoy

Dr. Dexter Cahoy

Dr. Dexter Cahoy

ProfessorMathematics and Statistics
OMB S750


Before joining UHD in 2017, Dr. Cahoy was a faculty member at Louisiana Tech University. His primary areas of interest include modeling count data, statistics education, and the application of statistics to problems in engineering and medicine. His work has been published in numerous domain-specific and/or statistical journals. He plays basketball or tennis in his spare time.

More about Dr. Cahoy may be found here.

Degrees Earned

  • Ph.D. in Statistics, Case Western Reserve University
  • MS in Statistics, University of Alberta
  • MS in Applied Mathematical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
  • BS in Statistics, Mindanao State University - Iligan

Courses Taught

Basic Statistics
Calculus I
Calculus II
Statistical Methods
Statistics for Engineering and Science
Regression Analysis
Design of Experiments
Statistical Inference I
Statistical Inference II
Time Series Analysis
Multivariate Statistics

Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis

Experience Qualifications

  • 2022-Present: Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Houston-Downtown
  • 2017-2022: Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Houston-Downtown
  • 2015-2017: Coordinator, Statistical Consulting Lab, Louisiana Tech University
  • 2013-2017: Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Louisiana Tech University
  • 2007-2013: Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Louisiana Tech University

More Information

Selected Publications

Cahoy D, Sedransk J. (2022). Bayesian inference for asymptomatic COVID-19 infection rates. Stat Med, 41(16), 3131-3148,

Cahoy D, Di Nardo E, Polito F. (2021). Flexible models for overdispersed and underdispersed count data. Stat Pap, 62:2969-2990,

Cahoy D, Sedransk J. (2019). Inverse stable prior for exponential models. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, 13:29.

Fisk M, Apostol K, Ross-Davis A, Davis A. (2018). Informing native plant sourcing for ecological restoration: Cold hardiness dynamics, flowering phenology, and survival of Eriogonum Umbellatum. Restoration Ecology, DOI: 10.1111/rec.12912.

Cahoy D, Woyczyński W. (2018). Log-moment estimators for the generalized Linnik and Mittag-Leffler distributions with applications to financial modeling. Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 14, 156-166.

Cahoy D, Minkabo S. (2017). Inference for three-parameter M-Wright distributions with applications. Model Assist Stat Appl, 12(2), 115-125.

Cahoy D. (2015). Some skew-symmetric distributions which include the bimodal ones. Commun Stat Theory Methods, 44(3), 554-563.

Cahoy D, Polito F. (2014). Parameter estimation for fractional birth and fractional death processes. Stat Comput, 24(2), 211-222.

Cahoy D, Polito F. (2013). Renewal processes based on generalized Mittag-Leffler waiting times. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simul, 18(3), 639-650.

Cahoy D. (2013). Estimation of Mittag-Leffler parameters. Commun. Stat. Simul. Comput., 42(2), 303-315.

Cahoy D. (2012). Estimation and simulation for the M-Wright function. Commun Stat Theory Methods, 41(8), 1466-1477

Cahoy D. (2012). An estimation procedure for the Linnik distribution. Statist. Papers, 53(3), 617-628.

Cahoy D, Polito F. (2012). Simulation and estimation of the fractional Yule process. Methodol Comput Appl Probab, 14(2), 383-403.

Cahoy D, Polito F. (2012). On a fractional binomial process. J Stat Phys, 146(3), 646-662.

Cahoy D. (2012). Moment estimators for the two-parameter M-Wright distribution. Comput Stat, 27(3), 487-497.

Cahoy D, Uchaikin V, Woyczynski W. (2010). Parameter estimation for fractional Poisson processes. J Stat Plan Inference, 140(11), 3106-3120.

Cahoy D. (2010). A bootstrap test for equality of variances. Comput Stat Data Anal, 54(10), 2306-2316.

Cahoy D, Sibatov R, Uchaikin V. (2008). Fractional processes: From Poisson to branching. Int J Bifurcat Chaos, 18(9), 2717-2725.


  • Faculty Development Grant, University of Houston-Downtown, 2018
  • Louisiana Board of Regents-Research Competitiveness Subprogram award, Statistical methods for fractional birth-death processes, 2011-2014, role: PI.
  • Fellowship at Center for Secure Cyberspace, Louisiana Tech University, Summer 2012.
  • Travel award to attend a conference and present a poster entitled Exploratory data mining and data requirements to support ToxCast goals in EPA, Research Triangle Park, NC, role: Presenter.