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Cyril Harris

Cyril Harris

Cyril Harris

Senior LecturerComputer Science and Engineering Technology
OMB S726


Cyril Harris received his Master of Science in Computer Science at the University of Texas-Pan American in 2007. While earning his degree, he was a recipient of the National Science Foundation's Bridge to the Doctorate Fellowship. His Master's Thesis focused on how encryption systems could learn how to adapt to emerging threats. He received his Bachelor of Science in Computer Science at the University of Houston-Downtown in 2004. As a student at University of Houston-Downtown, he was a member of the Scholar's Academy. He was also a GAANN Fellow at the University of Houston's Computer Science department from the Fall of 2008 to the Summer of 2011.

Cyril Harris has been teaching computer science courses since 2011. He has taught courses from within University of Houston-Downtown's Computer Science and Engineering Technology department since 2013. Prior to that, he taught at Lone Star College's Computer Information Technology department for two years. Before this, he worked as a Software Engineer for three years at O3 Technologies, a start-up company in Mission, Texas. His work there focused on inventing new technologies in Natural Language Processing. He is the co-inventor for US Patent Publications: US20100057435 A1 and WO2010025460 A1.

Degrees Earned

Master of Science - Computer Science, University of Texas -Pan American

Bachelor of Science - Computer Science, University of Houston-Downtown

Courses Taught

  • CS 4390 - Special Topics: Natural Language Processing
  • CS 3304 - Data and Information Structures
  • CS 3300 - Object-Oriented Programming and Concepts
  • CS 2410 - Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms
  • CS 2402 - Digital Logic
  • CS 2301 - Introduction to Computer Organization
  • CS 1410 - Introduction to Computer Science with C++
  • CS 1408 - Introduction to Computer Science with Visual Basic
  • CS 1311 - Introduction to Computing with Python
  • CS 1305 - Introduction to Computer Technology

Experience Qualifications


  • Faculty at the University of Houston-Downtown since Fall 2013
  • Previous teaching experience as an adjunct instructor at Lone Star College
  • University of Houston Academic Scholarship/Research/Creative

Research Interest

Cloud Computing - Using Social Network APIs and virtual machines to provide security and integrity to cloud software as a service (SAAS) apps. Master's Thesis Project - Finger-Trap. Cryptosystems: Testing Security through Traps

More Information

Academic Interest

Cryptography, Cryptanalysis, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Computational Finance

US Patent Publications

US20100057435 A1 and WO2010025460 A1.


GAANN Fellowship: Fall 2008 - Summer 2011
UHD Scholar's Academy Member: Fall 2000 - Spring 2004