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Dr. Courtney Baugh

Dr. Courtney Baugh

Dr. Courtney Baugh

Assistant Professor of Pyschology Social Sciences
OMB N1076


Dr. Baugh arrived at UHD in 2022 after completing her doctorate in developmental psychology from University of California, Riverside. She completed her MA in developmental psychology from University of California, Riverside in 2018 and her BA in child development and psychology from California State University, Stanislaus in 2015.

Degrees Earned

Ph.D. in Psychology (Developmental), University of California, Riverside

M.A. in Psychology, University of California, Riverside

B.A. in Psychology and Child Development, California State University, Stanislaus

Courses Taught

  • PSY 2307 Research Methods in Psychology
  • PSY 2310 Human Growth & Development
  • PSY 3303 Child Psychology

Experience Qualifications

Dr. Baugh earned her doctorate in developmental psychology, with a focus on cognitive development and learning from media during early childhood. Her dissertation, "Perceived Similarity and its Effects on Empathy and Prosocial Behavior" introduced novel methods for testing the extent to which children feel similar to or different from media characters and whether this has implications for children's cognitive empathy toward those characters.

Teaching Experience:
Dr. Baugh began teaching Cognitive Development at University of California, Riverside in 2019-2020 and continued teaching Cognitive Development at UCR and at California State University, Dominguez Hills until her graduation from UCR in 2022. As a graduate student at UCR, Dr. Baugh gained experience teaching a variety of psychology courses, such as Intro to Psychology, Socioemotional Development, Statistics, Research Methods, and Lifespan Development.

More Information

Dr. Baugh's graduate work and dissertation focused on perceived similarity to media characters during early childhood and its effects on learning from educational media. That research will continue at UHD, specifically in the area of prosocial learning and extending work on perceived similarity to media characters in adulthood.

Baugh, C.C., Schlesinger, M. A., & Richert, R. A. (2023). Similarity, dissimilarity, and learning from puppets. Cognitive Development, 66.

Baugh, C. C. (2022, February). Perceived similarity and learning. Invited talk at Baylor University.

Baugh, C. C., & Richert, R. A. (2021, April). The role of perceived similarity in children's social learning. Society for Research in Child Development. Online conference.

Richert, R. A., & Baugh, C. C. (2020). Developmental changes in perceptions of media reality (from fantasy-reality to issues of credibility). In J. Van den Bulck & M.-L. Mares (Eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Media Psychology.