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Dr. Chynette Nealy

Dr. Chynette Nealy

Dr. Chynette Nealy

Professor Business AdministrationGeneral Business, Marketing, and Supply Chain Management
SSB B420


Chynette Nealy is an associate professor of business administration in the General Business program. She primarily teaches the core course business communication. In her work, she is directly involved with teaching and researching skills that can be applied to bridging the gap between theory and practice. Dr. Nealy's research interest addresses issues related to skill development from a multifunctional perspective for personal and professional advancement. Her publication topics are varied, centering on themes relating to workforce diversity, global competition, and demographic trends in institutions of higher education. These works are published in a number of journal articles and co-authored textbooks. In addition, she frequently presents at professional conferences and organizations. Dr. Nealy actively serves on many academic, professional and community organizations.

Degrees Earned

University of Houston Doctor of Education Administration and Supervision Texas Southern University Master of Business Education General Business Texas College Bachelor of Business Administration General Business Administration

Courses Taught

BA 3350: Business Communication (3) (U)

Experience Qualifications

Dr. Nealy's research interest addresses issues related to skill development from a multifunctional perspective for personal and professional advancement. Her publication topics are varied, centering on themes relating to workforce diversity, global competition, and demographic trends in institutions of higher education. These works are published in a number of journal articles and co-authored textbooks.
Dr. Nealy is the recipient of awards including the Association of Business Information Systems Outstanding Educator Award, Who's Who Among America's Teachers and has received numerous best paper awards at professional conferences. She is recognized in the academic and professional community as an innovative educator.

More Information


Nealy, C. (2013). Rethinking Team Based Skills, Federation of Business Disciplines Journal, Volume 1, 21-25.

Nealy, C. (2013). Retooling Listening Skills, Texas Business and Technology Educators Association Journal, Volume XII, No. 1, 119-134.

Nealy, C. (2012). Fair Exchange-A Penny For Your Thoughts. Random Acts of Service by Design, 1, pp. 31-37

Nealy, C. (2011). Rethinking Plagiarism. Business Communication Quarterly.74, pp. 205-209.

Nealy, C. (2011). Exploring Gender Communication Via YouTube. Business Studies Journal, 3, Special Issue Number 2, pp.97-100.

Nealy, C. (2009). Intercultural Communication. In Chunyang, Gates, Stark, Nealy (Ed.), Managerial Communication Theory and Application 21st Century Management Textbook Series for Experimental and Practical Teaching (pp. 121-145). South China University of Technology Press.


"Collaborative Assignments & Projects, Writing Intensive Experiences." High -Impact Practices Showcase - Collaborative Research Project involving students, business community and faculty) - presented at the 2nd Annual Showcase of High- Impact Practices, University of Houston-Downtown, Houston, Texas, April, 2013. *Selected/Invited

"Does Age Diversity Affect Trust in Self-Directed Teams." Paper presented at the 38th Federation of Business Disciplines, Association for Business Communication Southwestern and Southeastern United States, Houston, Texas, March, 2011.

"Assessing the Gap: Theory to Practice," Research presented at the 10th Annual Assessment Conference, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, February, 2010.

"Incorporating Diversity through Service Learning," Paper presented at the 21th Annual Conference of the International Academy of Business Disciplines, St. Louis, Missouri, April, 2009.