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Dr. Ashley G. Blackburn

Dr. Ashley G. Blackburn

Dr. Ashley G. Blackburn

Professor of Criminal JusticeCriminal Justice


Dr. Ashley Blackburn is a Professor of Criminal Justice and currently serves as the Associate Dean for the College of Public Service at the University of Houston-Downtown. She previously served as Chair of the Department of Criminal Justice and Social Work. Dr. Blackburn earned her Ph.D. in Criminal Justice from Sam Houston State University (2006). She has published academic articles in her areas of expertise in journals such as Feminist Criminology, Women and Criminal Justice, The Prison Journal, Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, Journal of Criminal Justice, and Deviant Behavior. She has also co-authored/co-edited texts on research methods, victims' rights, prisons, and andragogy. Dr. Blackburn has been recognized for her work on women's issues and also for her use of student engagement in her university courses. Her teaching and research focus on the areas of research methods, gender, ethics, corrections, and victimization.

Degrees Earned

Sam Houston State University Ph.D. (2006) Criminal Justice

Sam Houston State University M.A. (2002) Criminal Justice & Criminology

Sam Houston State University B.A. (2000) Criminal Justice

Courses Taught

Undergraduate and Graduate Courses Taught Most Often:

Research Methods in Criminal Justice
Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice
Institutional Corrections/Prisons in America
Research Topics

Research Design and Methods
Issues in Corrections
Comparative Criminal Justice
Drug Policy and Criminal Justice
Seminar in Teaching Criminal Justice
Graduate Project

Experience Qualifications



Blackburn, A.G., Chen, I. & Pfeffer, R. (Eds.) (released 2018; ©2019). Emerging Trends in Cyber Ethics and Education. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Blackburn, A.G.& Brusman-Lovins, L. (released 2018; ©2019). Teaching Introduction to Corrections. San Diego, CA: Cognella Academic Publishing.

Fritsch, E.J., Trulson, C.R., & Blackburn, A.G.(released 2013; ©2014). Applied Research Methods in Criminology and Criminal Justice. New York: McGraw Hill.

Blackburn, A.G., Fowler, S.K., & Pollock, J.P. (Eds.). (released December 2012; ©2014).
Prisons: Today and Tomorrow (3rd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.

Tobolowsky, P.M., Gaboury, M., Jackson, A.L. & Blackburn, A.G.(2010). Crime Victim Rights and Remedies (2nd ed.). Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.

Tobolowsky, P.M., Beloof, D.E., Gaboury, M.T., Jackson, A.L., & Blackburn, A.G.(2016). Crime Victim Rights & Remedies (3rd ed.). Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.

Killias, M., Simonin, M., De Puy, J. in collaboration with Keller, J., Lasserre, R., Blackburn, A. & Lamon, P. (2005). Violence experienced by women in Switzerland over their lifespan: Results of the International Violence against Women Survey (IVAWS). Berne, Switzerland: Staempfli Publishers Ltd.

Refereed Academic Journal Articles

Smith, W., Blackburn, A.G., Harris, J.L., & Mullings, J.L. (2021; accepted, in press). Maintaining Connections: An Exploratory Analysis of the Predictors of Prison Visitation with Children and the Post-Release Living Arrangement Plans of Incarcerated Mothers. Women & Criminal Justice.

Marques, B.A., Blackburn, A.G., Fowler, S.K., Mullings, J.L., & Lecuna, M. L. (2021; accepted, in press). Straight from the Source: A Gendered Examination of the Inmate Code and Strategies to Avoid Sexual Victimization. Qualitative Criminology.

Fowler, S.K., Blackburn, A.G., Mullings, J.L., & Smith, W. (2020). Prison Culture as Rape Supportive: Applying Importation and Deprivation Models to Examine Inmate Beliefs. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. DOI: 10.1177/0886260520978184

Smith, W., Mullings, J. L., Blackburn, A. G., & Fowler, S. K. (2020). Examining Predictors of Differential Attitudes Toward Reporting Sexual Assault Among Incarcerated Women. Corrections: Policy, Practice, and Research.

Wilson, F. T., Schaefer, B. P., Blackburn, A. G., & Henderson, H. (2019 online). Cultivating Police Use of Force Perceptions through Cinema: Maintaining the Racial Divide? Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society, 20(3), 1-22. Online at:

Wilson, F. T., Schaefer, B. P., Blackburn, A. G., & Henderson, H. (2019). Female Police Officer Capabilities: Cultivating Gendered police Use of Force Expectations? Women & Criminal Justice. Available online:

Calbeldue, M., Blackburn, A. G., & Mullings, J. L. (2018 online; 2019 print). Mental Health Among Incarcerated Women: An Examination of Factors Impacting Depression and PTSD Symptomology. Women & Criminal Justice, 29(1), 52-72.

Garland, T., Blackburn, A. G., & Browne, A. (2017 online; 2018 print). Prime-Time Representations of Female Federal Agents in Television Dramas. Feminist Criminology, 13(5) 609-631.

Blackburn, A G., Pfeffer, R., & Harris, J.A. (2016). Serious about Change: A Gendered Examination of the Impact of Offense Type on Parole Success. Women & Criminal Justice, 26(5), 340-353. Available online:

Wilson, F.T. & Blackburn,A.G.(2014). The Depiction of Female Municipal Police Officers in the First Four Decades of the Core Cop Film Genre: "It's a Man's World." Women & Criminal Justice, 24(2), 83-105.

Wilson, F.T. & Blackburn,A.G.(2015). The Depiction of Female Municipal Police Officers in the First Four Decades of the Core Cop Film Genre: "It's a Man's World." In
F. Wilson (Ed.). Crime and Media Studies: Diversity of Method, Medium, and Communication (pgs. 129-150). San Diego, CA: Cognella Academic Publishing.

Smith, K.S. & Blackburn,A.G.(2011). Is Teen Court the Best Fit? Assessing the Predictive Validity of the Teen Court Peer Influence Scale. Journal of Criminal Justice, 39, 198-04.
Available online: doi:10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2011.02.009

Jackson, A.L., Blackburn, A.G., Tobolowsky, P.M., & Baer, D. (2011). An Examination of Guilt, Shame, Empathy, and Blaming Among a Sample of Incarcerated Male and Female Offenders. Southwest Journal of Criminal Justice, 8(1), 4-29.
Available online:

Blackburn, A.G.& Matthews, M. (2011). Crime and Punishment in Ethiopia: A Country Profile. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 35(2), 167. Available online: doi: 10.1080/01924036.2011.561968

Blackburn, A.G., Fowler, S.K., Mullings, J.L., & Marquart, J.W. (2011). When Boundaries are Broken: Inmate Perceptions of Correctional Staff Boundary Violations. Deviant Behavior, 32(4), 351-378. Available on line:

Blackburn, A.G., Fowler, S.K., Mullings, J.L. & Marquart, J.M. (2011). Too Close for Comfort: Exploring Gender Differences in Inmate Attitudes Toward Homosexuality in Prison. American Journal of Criminal Justice. 36(1), 58-72. Available online: doi: 10.1007/s12103-010-9099-6

Blackburn, A.G.& Trulson, C.R. (2010). Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice? Exploring Institutional Misconduct among Serious and Violent Female Delinquents. Journal of Criminal Justice, 38(6), 1132-1140. Available online: doi:10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2010.09.001

Graciana, K.A., Blackburn, A.G.& Fowler, S.K. (2010) Federal Crack Cocaine Re-sentencing: An Exploratory Analysis. Journal of Criminal Justice and Law Review, 2(1-2), 11-22.

Blackburn, A.G., Taylor, R.W. & Davis, J.E. (2010). Understanding the Complexities of Human Trafficking and Child Sexual Exploitation: The Case of Southeast Asia. Women & Criminal Justice, 20, 1-2, 105-126. Available online:

Blackburn, A.G., Taylor, R.W. & Davis, J.E. (2010). Understanding the Complexities of Human Trafficking and Child Sexual Exploitation: The Case of Southeast Asia. In F. Bernat (Ed.), Human Sex Trafficking (pgs. 104-125). New York: Routledge.

Fowler, S.K., Blackburn, A.G., Marquart, J.W., & Mullings, J.L. (2010). Would They Officially Report an In-Prison Sexual Assault? An Examination of Inmate Perceptions. The Prison Journal, 90(2), 220-243. Available online: doi: 10.1177/0032885510363387

Fowler, S.K., Blackburn, A.G., Marquart, J.W. & Mullings, J.L. (2010). Inmates' Cultural Beliefs About Sexual Violence and Their Relationship to Definitions of Sexual Assault. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 49(3), 180-199. Available online:

Blackburn, A.G., Zedwar, N., & Fowler, S.K. (2009). Sober or Not? Exploring Substance Use in Cases of Intimate Partner Homicide. Crime, Punishment, and the Law: An International Journal, 2(1-2), 95-106.

Blackburn, A.G., Zedwar, N., & Fowler, S.K. (2009). Sober or Not? Exploring Substance Use in Cases of Intimate Partner Homicide. Contemporary Issues in Criminology and the Social Sciences, 3(2), 76-96.

Jackson, A.L., Lucas, S.L., & Blackburn, A.G.(2009). Externalization and Victim-Blaming Among a Sample of Incarcerated Females. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation,48(3), 228-248. Available online:

Morris, R.G. & Blackburn, A.G.(2009). Cracking the Code: An Empirical Exploration of Social Learning Theory and Computer Crime. Journal of Crime & Justice, 32(1), 1-33.

Adger, K.L., Blackburn, A.G., Fritsch, E.J., & Taylor, R.W. (2008). The New Antecedent to Transnational Organized Crime: An Examination of Motor Vehicle Theft Offenders and Locations Targeted in Texas between 2001 and 2005. Contemporary Issues in Criminology and the Social Sciences, 2(3), 31-49.

Blackburn, A.G., Mullings, J.L., & Marquart, J.M. (2008). Inmates as Jurors: Examining How Sexual Victimization and Rape Mythology Acceptance Impact Punitiveness. International Journal of Crime, Criminal Justice and Law, 3(1), 61-79.

Blackburn, A.G., Mullings, J.L., & Marquart, J.W. (2008). Sexual Assault in Prison and Beyond: Toward an Understanding of Lifetime Sexual Assault among Incarcerated Women. The Prison Journal, 88(3), 351-377. Available online: doi: 10.1177/0032885508322443

Blackburn, A.G., Marquart, J.W., Mullings, J.L., & Trulson, C.R. (2007). The Next Generation of Prisoners: Towards an Understanding of the Relationship between Mental Health and Violent Offending among Institutionalized Delinquents. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 5(1), 35-56. Available online:

Blackburn, A.G., Marquart, J.W., Mullings, J.L., & Trulson, C.R. (2008). The Next Generation of Prisoners: Towards an Understanding of the Relationship between Mental Health and Violent Offending among Institutionalized Delinquents. In R. Lawrence and C. Hemmens (Eds.), Juvenile Justice: A Text/Reader (pgs. 451-471). Los Angeles: Sage Publications.

Academic Book Chapters

Blackburn, A.G., Fowler, S.K., & Mullings, J.L. (2013). Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Inmates. In C. Marcum & T. Castle (Eds.) Sex in Prison: Myths and Realities. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner.

Blackburn, A.G., & Fowler, S.K. (released December 2012; ©2014). Contemporary Issues and Future Directions. In A. Blackburn, S. Fowler, & J. Pollock (Eds.) Prisons: Today and Tomorrow (3rd ed.) (pgs. 311-329). Sudbury, Ma: Jones & Bartlett.

Matthews, M. & Blackburn, A.G.(2010). Ethiopia. In G.R. Newman (Ed.). Crime and Punishment Around the World - Africa. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.

Blackburn, A., Marquart, J., Mullings, J., & Trulson, C. (2007). Addressing the Rights of Victims in Capital Cases. In C. Hemmens (Ed.) Legal Issues in Criminal Justice (pgs. 125-134). Los Angeles, CA: Roxbury.


External Awards

Principal Investigator (with L. Lovins (Co-PI), H. Goltz (Co-I), and D. Smith (Co-I). Process Evaluation of the Harris County Sheriff's Office Tele-Health Pilot Program. Arnold Ventures. Awarded: $318,250. Contract Period: 2019-2020.

Research Consultant/Evaluator (with S. Fowler & L. Mullings). Evaluation of SOBER 1.0 and SOBER 2.0. Contract awarded through Sam Houston State University. Subcontract Period: 2017-2020.

Research Consultant/Evaluator (with S. Fowler). Special Population Evaluation Reporting. Contract awarded by the Harris County Attorney's Office. Subcontract Period: 2017.

Research Consultant/Evaluator (with S. Fowler). Strategic Administrative Separation Plan. Contract awarded by the Harris County Sheriff's Office. Subcontract Period: 2015.

Research Consultant/Program Evaluator (with S. Fowler). Harris County Sheriff's Office. Bureau of Justice Assistance's PREA Program: Demonstration Projects to Establish "Zero Tolerance" Cultures for Sexual Assault in Correctional Facilities. HCSO Awarded: $237,693.00 (Award Number: 2013-RP-BX-0014). Subcontract Period: 2015-2017.

Research Associate on Gendered Violence and Safety: Improving Security in Women's Facilities. Funded by the National Institute of Justice ($558,916). Principal Investigators: Barbara Owen, James Wells (KY and OH site specific) and Jocelyn Pollock (TX site specific) Bernadette Muscat, & Stephanie Torres. Contract Period: May 2007 - May 2008.

Internal Awards

Recipient of a UHD College of Public Service Curriculum Innovation Award to attend the 2019 Online Learning Consortium Accelerate Conference, Orlando, FL. 2019.

Recipient of a UHD College of Public Service Curriculum Innovation Award to attend The Teaching Professor Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA. 2018.

Research Partner (with M. Lecuna). "Don't let me be Misunderstood:" Awareness Gap of a Court Interpreter's Role - A Contributing Factor to Vicarious Trauma. UHD College of Public Service Conference and Research Experience for Students (CARES) Award. Contract Period: 2017-2018.

Principal Investigator on Preparing for Successful Reentry: An Examination of Female Inmate Needs and Programming Experiences. An Organized Research and Creative Activities (ORCA) Program Grant funded by the University of Houston-Downtown. Contract Period: 2015-2017.

Principal Investigator on Institutional Victimization: Examining the Experiences of Incarcerated Women. A Junior Faculty Fellowship funded by the University of North Texas Faculty Research Committee. Contract Period: 2010.

Principal Investigator on Parricide & Fillicide: Exploring Cases of Murder within the Family. A Junior Faculty Fellowship funded by the University of North Texas Faculty Research Committee. Contract Period: 2009.

Principal Investigator on Prison Sexual Victimization among Incarcerated Females: An Analysis of Perception and Behavior. A Junior Faculty Fellowship funded by the University of North Texas Faculty Research Committee. Contract Period: 2008.

Principal Investigator on Same-Sex Intimate Partner Violence: An Examination of Occurrence and Situational Characteristics. A Faculty Research Grant funded by the University of North Texas Faculty Research Committee. Contract Period: 2007-2008.

Technical and Grant Reports

Blackburn, A.G., Brusman-Lovins, L.L., Goltz, H., & Smith, D. (2020). Process Evaluation of the Harris County Sheriff's Office Tele-Health Pilot Program Final Report. Arnold Ventures (formerly the Laura and John Arnold Foundation).

Blackburn, A.G., Brusman-Lovins, L.L., Goltz, H., & Smith, D. (2019). Process Evaluation of the Harris County Sheriff's Office Tele-Health Pilot Program: Mid-Term Report. Arnold Ventures (formerly the Laura and John Arnold Foundation).

Fowler, S.K., Blackburn, A.G., & Mullings, J.L. (2020). An Evaluation of Harris County's DWI Court Program: Saving Ourselves by Education and Recovery (S.O.B.E.R. 2.0): Outcome Part II (Multi-Year). Sam Houston State University/Harris County Criminal Courts at Law.

Fowler, S.K., Blackburn, A.G., Mullings, J.L. (2019). An Evaluation of Harris County's DWI Court Program: Saving Ourselves by Education and Recovery (S.O.B.E.R. 2.0): Outcome Part I (One Year). Sam Houston State University/Harris County Criminal Courts at Law.

Fowler, S.K., Blackburn, A.G., & Mullings, J.L.(2018). A Follow-Up Evaluation of Harris County's DWI Court Program: Saving Ourselves by Education and Recovery (SOBER 1.0). Sam Houston State University/Harris County Criminal Courts at Law.

Fowler, S.K. & Blackburn,A.G.(2017). Special Population Evaluation. Harris County Attorney's Office.

Fowler, S.K. & Blackburn, A.G.(2017). Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Program: Demonstration Projects to Establish "Zero Tolerance" Cultures for Sexual Assault in Correctional Facilities, Impact Evaluation Report. Harris County Sheriff's Office.

Blackburn, A.G.& Fowler, S.K. (2017). Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Program: Demonstration Projects to Establish "Zero Tolerance" Cultures for Sexual Assault in Correctional Facilities, Third Year Process Evaluation Report. Harris County Sheriff's Office.

Blackburn, A.G.& Fowler, S.K. (2016). Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Program: Demonstration Projects to Establish "Zero Tolerance" Cultures for Sexual Assault in Correctional Facilities, Second Year Process Evaluation Report. Harris County Sheriff's Office.

Fowler, S.K. & Blackburn, A.G.(2015). Strategic Administrative Separation Plan. Harris County Sheriff's Office.

Fowler, S.K. & Blackburn, A.G.(2015). Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Program: Demonstration Projects to Establish "Zero Tolerance" Cultures for Sexual Assault in Correctional Facilities, First Year Process Evaluation Report. Harris County Sheriff's Office.

Blackburn, A.G.& Fowler, S.K. (2014). Batterers Intervention and Prevention Program Provider Comparison Summary: Measures of Client Progress and Satisfaction. Tarrant County Community Supervision Corrections Department.

Blackburn, A.G.& Fowler, S.K. (2011). Batterers Intervention and Prevention Program Provider Comparison Summary. Tarrant County Community Supervision Corrections Department.

Fritsch, E.J., Trulson, C.R., & Blackburn, A.G.(2009). 2009 Texas Motor Vehicle Burglary Report. Texas Department of Transportation.

Taylor, R.W., Fritsch, E.J., Trulson, C.R., & Blackburn, A.G.(2007). 2007 Texas Auto Theft Report. North Central Texas Council of Governments.

More Information

- Elected/Served as Trustee-At-Large on the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Executive Board (2017-2020)

- Volunteer for Big Brothers Big Sisters of America (2012-2019)

- Finalist for the 2017 UHD Faculty Award for Excellence in Service

- Recipient of the 2014 UHD Faculty Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activity

- Recognized by the University of North Texas Women's Center for contributions to and support of women's rights and issues (2009)