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Dr. Ashley Archiopoli

Dr. Ashley Archiopoli

Dr. Ashley Archiopoli

Associate Professor of Communication StudiesArts and Communication
OMB N1054


Dr. Ashley Archiopoli is an Associate Professor of Communication Studies in the Department of Arts and Humanities as well as Health Behavioral Sciences faculty at UHD. She earned her Ph.D. in Culture and Health Communication from The University of New Mexico; and both her B.A. and M.A. in communication is from the Elliott School of Communication at Wichita State University. Dr. Archiopoli's research interests include health-related stigma, wellness, quality of life, disease prevention, patient-provider communication, and provider burnout. In addition, she has extensive health communication research experience. Her current research project examines how relational closeness impacts one's disposition to stigmatize another.

Degrees Earned

Ph.D., Culture and Health, University of New Mexico
M.A. Communication, Wichita State University
B.A. Integrated Marketing Communication, Wichita State University

Courses Taught

  • COMM 1306: Beginning Public Speaking
  • COMM 2301: Health Communication
  • COMM 2309: Interpersonal Communication
  • COMM 3314: Research in Comm Studies
  • COMM 3320: Communication Theory

Experience Qualifications

Dr. Archiopoli holds a Ph.D. in Communication Studies with an emphasis in culture and health communication. Her graduate work includes courses in communication theory, qualitative and quantitative research methods, theorizing culture, health communication, current topics in health communication, and community-based participatory research. Dr. Archiopoli has worked on two funded-research projects where she was integral to study design, analysis, and evaluation.

Dr. Archiopoli has been teaching for nearly eight years. She is in her first year as an Assistant Professor at UHD. Previously she taught public speaking as an M.A. student at Wichita State. At UNM she taught a range of communication courses; public speaking, interviewing, strategic communication, health communication, conflict management & mediation, and quantitative research lab.

Professional experience

  • Marketing capacities for two organizations
  • Internship assistant, Office of Cooperative Education

More Information


Dr. Archiopoli's research interests include health-related stigma, wellness, quality of life, disease prevention, patient-provider communication, and provider burnout among a variety of other interests inside and outside of health communication.