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Dr. Abdelnasser Hussein

Dr. Abdelnasser Hussein

Dr. Abdelnasser Hussein

Assistant ProfessorUrban Education


Dr. Hussein is an assistant professor of Educational Leadership in the Urban Education department of the College of Public Service at the University of Houston-Downtown. He has extensive K-12 school leader practitioner experience with expertise in K-12 assessment and grading. He has taught elementary, middle, high school, and college students nationally as well as overseas. His research interest is transformational school leadership, school-home effective communication, and educational institution reform. Dr. Hussein presents his academic works at several academic and professional conferences nationwide. His presentations cover an array of topics such as "School-Home Effective Communication in Suburban and Urban Schools", "Building-Level Technology: Assisting Faculty in the Implementation of New Technologies", and "Reframing Organization and the Power of Resistance". He has served in many leadership roles for several non-profit organizations in KS, MA, and RI.

Degrees Earned

University of Rhode Island/Rhode Island College Ph.D. Education

Wichita State University M.Ed. Educational Leadership

Mansoura University/Egypt B.A. & Ed. English Arts & Education

Courses Taught

EDL 5310 Introduction to School Leadership

EDL 5340 Educational Systems & Talent Management

Experience Qualifications

Hussein, A. (2017. Jan. 30). Building level technology: Assisting faculty in the implementation of new technologies [Conference session]. Ethnographic Qualitative Research Conference, Las Vegas.

Hussein, A. (2019, March 18). Reframing organizations and the power of resistance: A case of self-reflection [Conference session]. Industry, Engineering & Management Systems Conference, Tampa, Florida.

Hussein, A. (2021, March 16). Understanding the principals' perceptions of effective communication in urban and suburban schools [Conference session]. Industry, Engineering & Management Systems Conference, Florida.

Vaccaro, A., Perrelli, K. M., Amelotte, W. K., Hussein, A. H., Giacalone, M. D., Peppin, K. R., & Rambur, S.C. (2019). Nowell Leadership Academy Qualitative Evaluation Report. A report submitted to the Nowell Leadership Academy.