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Meet the Team

Dr. Lisa Morano Dr. Lisa Morano, Professor
Biology & Microbiology

Dr. Morano is the Director of the Center for Urban Agriculture and Sustainability. She is an ecologist interested in plant-microbe interactions and in questions of agro-ecology. Her research focuses on diseases of grapevines and factors that influence fruit quality and ultimately the taste of wine. She is passionate about creating sustainable systems in agriculture and protecting important ecosystems so they may continue to serve the planet.

Dr. Vassilios TzouanasDr. Vassilios Tzouanas, Associate Professor
Engineering Technology

Dr. Tzouanas is a chemical engineer whose work focuses on the development and application of engineering and process technologies to solve important societal problems. His research includes process modeling, simulation and control design, and renewable energy systems. He is interested in engineering solutions to energy and sustainability issues.

Dr. Michael Tobin
Dr. Michael Tobin, Assistant Professor

Dr. Tobin is a plant physiological ecologist focusing on the uptake and transport of water through plants. His research investigates the effect of drought and biodiversity on the community dynamics of tall-grass prairie. He mentors students establishing a pocket prairie near UHD to enhance local biodiversity in this highly developed urban landscape. He is also interested in the use of native plants in residential landscaping.

Dr. Sanghamitra Saha
Dr. Sanghamitra Saha, Lecturer

Dr Saha is a Lecturer at the Dept of Natural Sciences. Her research interests are in plant-microbe interaction and phytoremediation. She advises and mentors students on sustainability related grants, and uses the resources from the garden for her research.

Adriana Penabad-Galva
Adriana Penabad-Galva, Sustainability Coordinator
Adriana Penabad, the Center for Urban Agriculture and Sustainability's Sustainability Coordinator, manages student programs, supports students participating in sustainability projects, and fosters collaborative partnerships to engage the campus and community in programs and practices. Adriana is a PennState graduate student studying Renewable Energy. She is passionate about gardening and recycling on campus.