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Proposing New Degrees & Certificates

Guide to New Master's or Bachelor's Degrees
*Click step titles to collapse

The NOI allows all parties in the curriculum process to be made aware of programs under consideration.

  1. Faculty originators should submit the notice of intent and process via Curriculog form 2A and notify the AVPPC.
  2. Faculty should wait to hear from AVPPC before proceeding with Step 2. AVPPC will discuss with Provost and confirm with faculty.
  3. AVPPC will announce NOI programs at Deans Council and UCC.

Once UHD approves planning, the AVPPC will submit a notice to UHS and the THECB. UHS will respond within 10 days and the THECB within 30 days.

The AVPPC will share any responses with the faculty. Faculty should wait to hear from AVPPC before proceeding with Step 3.

All new programs require planning approval from the UH System Provosts Council.

  1. After receiving UHS and THECB feedback from AVPPC, faculty originators complete planning approval proposal and submit pro forma information sheet to College Business Administrator to add faculty data.
  2. After department and college conversation, program liaison submits planning approval proposal and pro forma information sheet to AVPPC for internal review (response within 10-14 days)
  3. AVPPC works with program team to finalize proposal and pro forma.
  4. Provost reviews proposal.
  5. Office of the Provost submits to UHS Provosts Council (PC usually meets 1x/month) and reports decision to program team. NOTE: planning approval step does not entail full UHD internal program approval.

Note: Faculty should wait for Office of the Provost to notify them regarding planning approval before starting step 4.

Upon approval from Provosts Council faculty prepare full degree proposal as follows:

  1. Contact Steve Bonario, Collections Coordinator Library, to request a statement of resources. You should give them at least two weeks to provide it.
  2. Submit full proposal document through curriculum process in Curriculog Form 2.1 (after at least one informal review by AVPPC).
  3. Submit all new courses for the program through curriculum review process in Curriculog.


  • UCC should see the full proposal before reviewing the individual courses, but UCC cannot approve the program until all new courses have been approved.
  • The Provost's Office will not approve any parts of a new degree/certificate until all parts have been approved through UCC. Additional content for the final documents may be required at the Provost's level. If a program is not approved, new courses intended for that program also may not be approved to offer until they have a role in an existing curriculum.

Upon approval by Provost after UCC, the Provost will send the full proposal and pro forma to UHS Provosts Council for final review and approval. The council usually meets 1x/month.

Upon approval by UHS Provosts Council, the Office of the Provost will work with the program faculty to prepare an executive summary for the BOR. The Provost's Office will submit the full proposal, the executive summary, and the pro forma to the BOR for approval; the BOR meets in February, May, August, and November and agenda items must be submitted 3-4 weeks in advance.

All new programs will be sent to the THECB by the Office of the Provost; the THECB will send it out for a 30-day comment period. Response time and approval level will depend on whether it is 50% or more new content. The Office of the Provost will determine the appropriate process and documentation.

We must submit all programs to SACSCOC for notice or approval if they fall within the scope of the SACSCOC Substantive Change Policy, "A Substantive Change is a significant modification or expansion of the nature and scope of an accredited institution."

If your program requires this step, you will need to complete the SACSCOC report for submission and the SACSCOC Liaison and AVPPC will guide this process. SACSCOC approves programs only twice per year, with submission deadlines in June and January. Approval responses take anywhere from 4-6 months.

Once programs are approved through all levels, proposers will be contacted by the Office of the Provost to initiate advertising/promotion, catalog and admissions processes with relevant UHD units. No advertising or catalog content should be done until the Office of the Provost confirms all approvals are complete or provides appropriate language that can be used for initial PR efforts.

Guide to New Certificate Program
Before starting on a certificate, please review Certificate FAQ's.
  1. Faculty originators of certificates should submit the notice of intent and process via Curriculog form 2A and notify the AVPPC by email.
  2. Faculty should wait to hear from AVPPC before proceeding with Step 2. AVPPC will discuss with Provost and confirm with faculty.
  3. AVPPC will announce NOI programs at Deans Council and UCC.

After NOI approval, faculty should meet with AVPPC before starting these forms:

  1. Contact Steve Bonario, Collections Coordinator Library, to request a statement of resources. You should give them at least two weeks to provide it.
  2. Submit pro forma information sheet to AVPPC.
  3. Draft full certificate proposal document and send to AVPPC.

  1. Submit all new courses for the program through curriculum review process in Curriculog.
  2. Submit full certificate proposal document in Curriculog Form 3.1.


  • UCC should see the full proposal before reviewing the individual courses, but UCC cannot approve the certificate until all new courses have been approved.
  • The Provost's Office will not approve any parts of a new degree/certificate until all parts have been approved through UCC. Additional content for the final documents may be required at the Provost's level. If a program is not approved, new courses intended for that program also may not be approved to offer until they have a role in an existing curriculum. No advertising or catalog content should be done until the Office of the Provost confirms all approvals are complete.

We must submit certificates to SACSCOC for approval if they fall within the scope of the SACSCOC Substantive Change Policy, "A Substantive Change is a significant modification or expansion of the nature and scope of an accredited institution."

If your program requires this step, you will need to complete the SACSCOC report for submission and the SACSCOC Liaison and AVPPC, will guide this process. SACSCOC approves programs only twice per year, with submission deadlines in June and January.

Once programs are approved through all required levels, proposers will be contacted by the Office of the Provost to initiate advertising/promotion, catalog and admissions processes with relevant UHD units. No advertising or catalog content should be done until the Office of the Provost confirms all approvals are complete or they provide appropriate language that can be used for initial PR efforts.

For questions or concerns contact or call 713-221-8254.
