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female student on a laptop sitting in a window in the UHD academic building

Creative Writing Concentration and Minor

The University of Houston-Downtown (UHD) has an exciting Creative Writing Program with robust course offerings taught by engaged and well-published faculty. Our program fosters a community of aspiring writers, poets, literary translators, and editors. Students explore their imagination and critical thinking, while studying different genres and reading authors from diverse backgrounds and literary traditions.

Students at University of Houston-Downtown can be part of the Creative Writing Program in two ways:
1) They can pursue a BA in English with a concentration in Creative Writing or
2) minor in Creative Writing.

Creative Writing Courses

  • ENG 3309: Introduction to Creative Writing
  • ENG 4309: Advanced Creative Writing
  • ENG 3332: Literary Magazine Production
  • ENG 3344: Workshop in Poetry
  • ENG 3343: Workshop in Fiction
  • ENG 3345: Creative Nonfiction
  • ENG 3346: Workshop in Literary Translation

Student Opportunities

UHD students have the opportunity of doing an internship with The Bayou Review, a student-run literary and arts magazine.

Each year two students are awarded the Lorenzo Thomas Creative Writing Award for their exceptional writing.


For over two decades, starting in the mid-1980s, acclaimed Afro-Latino poet Lorenzo Thomas, was part of the English Department at the University of Houston-Downtown. Professor Thomas, Fabian Worsham, and Dr. Jane Creighton were the first faculty members to teach creative writing at UHD. In the early 2000s, poet Dr. Robin Davidson joined the department, and with the support of Dr. William Gilbert, Chair of the Department at the time, worked to develop the Creative Writing minor. Later, Dr. Davidson and Dr. Robert Jarrett, the new Department Chair, received approval to offer the Creative Writing Minor in spring 2010. Subsequently, in collaboration with other creative writing faculty, they developed the Creative Writing concentration within the B.A. in English which was offered for the first time in fall 2013.

Creative Writing Faculty

Alumni and Student Spotlight
  • Creative Writing graduate, Kaili Mora-Duarte, will be starting an MFA in Creative Writing at the University of North Texas in Fall 2023.
  • Creative Writing graduate, Michael Hilbig, published his debut short story collection Judgment Day and Other White Lies (Madville Publishing, 2022).
  • Creative Writing graduate, Joyce Lanette Hatch, won the 2022 Lorenzo Thomas Creative Writing Award.
  • Creative Writing student Alexandria Francetic’s calaverita won second place in the 2022 Calaverita’s Day of the Dead Contest, organized by UH-D’s Spanish Program, Center for Latino Studies, the Department of Humanities, History, and Languages, and Sigma Delta Pi.
Faculty Spotlight
  • Dr. Laura Cesarco Eglin’s translation of claus and the scorpion (, 2022) by the Galician author Lara Dopazo Ruibal has been longlisted for the 2023 PEN Award for Poetry in Translation.
  • Dr. Stalina Villarreal’s collection of poetry and essays, Watcha, is forthcoming from Deep Vellum Publishing.
  • Dr. Jane Creighton published her collection of poems, Bone Skid, Bone Beauty (Saint Julian Press, 2021).
  • Dr. Robin Davidson published her collection of poems, Mrs. Schmetterling with illustrations by Sarah Fisher (Arrowsmith Press, 2021).
UHD Catalog Descriptions

Creative Writing Concentration

Creative Writing Minor

Testimonials for Creative Writing at UHD

Ever since I can remember, I've wanted to be a writer. But the desire to be a writer and the actual work, discipline, and craft of writing (which can easily prove too daunting and discouraging for many aspiring writers) I lacked. During my time at UHD I had the honor and pleasure of working with professors Daniel Peña (who I still consider a great mentor and friend) as well as Dr. Robin Davidson, of whom I'm proud to say the same. The entire English Department had my back. They were not only there during my time as an undergraduate, encouraging me and showing me the ropes, but they continue to be sources of advice, brilliance, and inspiration. Through UHD I first attended the Boldface writing conference at UH, where I would go on to get my MFA in fiction. None of this would have been possible without the efforts of my mentors and peers at UHD. This level of focus and care for a young writer is essential. UHD fostered my abilities until I became what I'd wanted since as early in my life as I can remember: a real writer. I've written two novels, published four chapbooks, gone on a poetry and prose reading tour, and appeared on television and radio with my writings. Even the word gratitude, which I wish to express here, seems to fall short of the colossal sense of pride, happiness, and appreciation I feel. This emotion is too great for a single word alone to do justice. For now, however, I will make do with these less-than-perfect words, these malleable signs and signifiers, by simply saying this: thank you UHD, from the bottom of my heart. Christopher Miguel Flakus (Creative Writing graduate)

“My experience of the Creative Writing classes at UH-D was very enlightening. As someone who had been a self-taught writer since the age of 14, it was great to finally receive proper education about creative writing. I learned a lot about fiction and poetry, and my skills greatly improved. I made friends with plenty of great people, so I am very grateful for this experience.” –Alexandria Francetic (former Creative Writing student)

“The Creative Writing classes at UH-D taught me many aspects of the craft. Not only did I learn the concepts of writing genre narratives, journaling, writing memoirs, and much, much more, but I also learned about professional expression, clear understandable articulation, and teamwork.” –Joyce Lanette Hatch (Creative Writing graduate)