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MBA Student Association MBASA

MBA Student Association Interest Meeting on Campus, April 21 at 6pm
We are excited to re-launch our MBA Student Association! Interested in connecting with others while building a network of competitive leaders that will shape the future of business? Read top reason's why you should join.

Past MBA Student Association Officers


MBA Student Organization Officers for 2017-2018. Ab Finoh (Vice President), Mario Leiva (Treasurer), Claudia Martinez (President), Tyrone Brownlee (Secretary), Jimmy Moris (Historian).


MBA Student Association Officiers 

MBA Student Organization Officers for 2014-2015. Caleb Burson (Treasurer), Sara Juarez (Historian), Trusha Patel (Secretary), Tracy Wang (President),  Eric D’ Olive (Vice President). Not pictured: Ashley Simco- Communications

MBA Student Association Officiers 

MBA student officers for 2013-2014, Megg Pohodich (Vice President), Matthew Lewis (President), Janeen Loving (Communications). Not pictured: Matthew Marcinek (Treasurer), Jacob Hackney (Historian)